Chapter 32 : Costumes

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Jane stayed less than a week with Max. Joyce and the doctor came many times, especially for her hand. He made a bigger and stronger plaster cast for her because she was moving too much and not helping the healing. The redhead had to force her to stay on the bed to be sure she wouldn't make it worse for her hand and her ribs. At the end, as she was feeling better, Jane went back to her home to finish her recovery. Now, the redhead was alone in her apartment.

She prepared her breakfast, boiled some milk and sat on her couch. She made only one cup this time, and placed only what she wanted to eat. She didn't really watch TV in the morning, but today she put cartoons. She didn't know why she was feeling nostalgic now, Jane wasn't dead, she just came back to her home, and when Dan spent two days with her and left, she wasn't feeling this bad, it was normal. Maybe she got used to have Jane, a week it wasn't nothing, you had time to create new habits.

Anyway, it was days now that Jane had left, she couldn't stay like that and be depressed. It was Halloween today and Clara organized a party. The redhead stood and left her apartment to go to the mall. It was in a few hours and she still didn't buy a costume! She entered the bus and noticed a leg with a splint at the right knee sticking out in the aisle. She approached and saw Jane, sleeping on the folding seat. She went in front of her and bent at the level of her face, touching her cheek with her finger.

- Great, ask her to leave, she is bothering everyone, grumbled a lady next to them.

Max rolled her eyes and ignored her. She kept lightly pushing her friend's head until Jane hardly opened her eyes and looked around like if she was lost.

- Hey Goblin, smiled the redhead.

- Hey Grumpy, smirked the ex-prisoner.

- Oh, I see, you're one of them! intervened bitterly the same woman.

- If her presence bother you, you can take the next bus, replied sharply Max.

The woman, outraged by her behavior, mumbled some things before going to the back of the bus, under the angry eyes of the two girls. Once out of sight, Max turned again to Jane with a smile.

- What are you doing here? asked the redhead.

- Just, taking some air, answered Jane.

- You wanna come at the mall with me?

- Um...I, I don't know...

- Come on, it's gonna be fun!

- Um, it's just, they won't let me in, pouted Jane.

- What!? They can't! This is unfair! got upset Max.

- It' that.

- We'll try, and if they don't want, we'll go somewhere else, ok?

- Um...ok.

The bus arrived at their stop and the two girls got out of it. When they arrived at the entrance, what Jane told happened. A security guard stopped them.

- Wrist, ordered the man to Jane.

The ex-prisoner sighed with her mouth and held out her left arm. The man took it and scanned it with a small machine, giving information about Jane's arrest and file. Max tried to see what was written on it but she was too far. He, then, lightly palpated her, in a more correct way than the policemen last time, watched in her bag, before turning to Max.

- Wrist.

The redhead raised her sleeve and showed it to him. He lightly palpated her too and watched in her bag.

- She is with you?

- Yeah, we are going to do some shopping, answered Max.

- Ok, have a nice day.

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