Chapter 48 : The Dark Knight

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Hopper sent a patrol the next day, like he said. They arrested some of the teens but majority of them managed to run away and they couldn't find the two men. Jane wasn't there, certainly already with a client. It reassured Joyce to know that some of them were now safe. They didn't know where they were going to send them, but they surely wouldn't let them go like that. None of the teens talked, all scared of the consequences, so Hopper decided to send again a car the next nights but, what he was fearing happened, they didn't come back here, knowing the police knew, it would have been stupid. Now, they couldn't do anything more, they couldn't guess where the others were.

Even if she was worried, Joyce didn't stop living for all that. She took her son to the movie theater, near the limit with the South. Will liked this movie theater, they always showed old movies and today, it was The Dark Knight. They took a buck of pop-corn and some candies to feed them during the movie.

They were walking out the building, slowly reaching their car.

- I really love this movie! smiled Will, finishing the pop-corn.

- I know, and in big screen it's so much better!

- Yeah, and the sound! It was....whoa!

- Yeah, it was whoa! chuckled Joyce.

She tousled his hair before wrapping her arm around his shoulders, keeping walking. They arrived near a street and saw a dog barking and running to them. The animal seemed excited, turning around them and grabbing the mother's coat with his teeth.

- What do you? asked the woman with a smile, amused by the animal.

The dog kept barking before going to the street, stopping and looking at them.

- Do you know this dog? frowned Joyce.

- Uh...maybe, he looks like Jane's dog, answered Will, a bit annoyed.

Joyce had a bad feeling. The dog seemed panicked, like if something wrong happened. She decided to follow him, she would, at least, knew where Jane was.

- Mom! Where are you going!?

- I just want to be sure everything is alright!

Will sighed and followed her. They were now walking quickly in those creepy streets, full of bins and hobos, following a barking dog who attacked Will and his friends, months ago! The dog turned to a street, stop barking and began to whine. When the two humans arrived at the corner, they were not expecting that. Jane was sat against the wall, unconscious, the head bent forward with vomit around her mouth and on her clothes.

- Shit! Call 911! ordered Joyce.

The woman ran to Jane and took her pulse. Nothing. She laid her down on her back, assured there was nothing blocking her neck and began a heart massage.

- She is overdosing, explained the woman to her son to be sure he informed them correctly. Come on Jane, fight!

The mother stopped the massage and pinched the young girl's nose to give mouth-to-mouth. Will was a bit further, looking at his mother alternating between mouth-to-mouth and heart massage, hearing the woman on the phone talking to him, but unable to answer. He had a startle, coming back to himself.

- When are arriving the emergency services!?

- They are on their way, answered the woman on the phone.

- I have a pulse! told Joyce.

The mother stopped the heart massage and placed Jane in recovery position. Even if it was a weak pulse, it was still a pulse. After a moment, they heard the ambulance beacon. Joyce stood and went to the road, making signs to them. The medical staff took care of the young girl while Joyce explained to one of them what happened. Once Jane in the ambulance, Joyce ran to her car, followed by Will and the dog holding the kitty cat in his mouth. She opened her car door to let them in and drove away in direction of the hospital.

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