Chapter 14 : Guitar

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When Clara told the two girls what happened the day before, they couldn't believe their ears. Jane could have been more violent! Clara had been lucky that Jane didn't go further, it could have been more dangerous! They hadn't seen the girl for now, and it was better like that. Max was so pissed off that she didn't know how she would have reacted, maybe she would have frozen and let it go, or maybe she would have been violent too, to show her there were people stronger than her too. It was only at sport that she finally appeared. The three girls first ignored her but the teacher asked them to make group of two this time. As Jane was alone and they were three, one of them had to go with her.

- If I go with her, I come back alone, stated Max.

- Fine, I go, grumbled Bev.

The redhead went next to Jane, unwillingly, avoiding her eyes. She took the map and all the necessary for the run.

- You follow me and you shut up, ordered sharply Bev.

- Or what!? provoked Jane.

- I'll make the necessary for you to go back in jail.

- Oh yeah!? Then do it! I'm done here!

- What the fuck is wrong with you!? Clara was nice with you, why did you treat her like that!?

- She has feelings for me, it's fucking bullshits! 'Shouldn't happen!

- Feelings are bullshits!? You should have been glad that someone cared for you!

- I didn't ask her to cared for me! It was just for sex! Nothing more!

- You had to be this mean with her!? You barely like her!?

- Truth hurt! snapped Jane.

- It depends how you say it! stated Bev.

- It don't change the answer!

- No, but it changes the way she takes it! You are heartless at this point to not understand empathy!? What the fuck happened to you!?

- Things you can't imagine, answered angrily Jane between her teeth. Can we fucking run now!? I need to catch a ride.

Beverly opened her mouth but no words came out. She was so surprised by Jane's behavior, it was like the Jane she met was a fake one and now the real one was appearing. The ex-prisoner brutally grabbed the map and began to run without the redhead. Bev had a startle and caught up Jane. The rest of the race happened in the silence with a cold ambience between the two girls.

The redhead and the ex-prisoner arrived last. Jane didn't know how to read a map and got lost many time which pissed off Beverly who hadn't the courage to take back the map.

- How was it? asked Max.

- Long, sighed Bev. I thought we would never come back! She is too proud to admit she can't read a map!

- Not surprising, she is a bitch! intervened angrily Clara.

- I don't think it was the goal.

- What!?

- I don't think she wanted to hurt you! She is just...too direct.

- You're on her side!?

- No! She acted like a cunt with you! But she wanted you to understand she hasn't feelings for you, she just didn't do it the right way.

- Oh, well, it changes everything! She is not just an asshole, she is not even socialized! That's perfect! Thank you for taking her defense! said sarcastically Clara, not believing her ears.

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