Chapter 36 : Gunshots

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Max asked Bev and Melissa to come with her to see Jane. She was scared to come when Jane wasn't in the mood, and God knew what she was capable of when she was like that! Even if she was convinced that Jane was unable to kill someone. They went back in the path, but, this time, it was still daylight so less scary. They could see their foot prints in the mud and the dog's ones too.

- God, her dog traumatized me! stated Bev, looking at the earth with a pale face.

Max placed a comforting hand on her friend's shoulder and pouted to her, like to tell her she was understanding her more than well.

When they arrived in front of the gate, they could hear some gunshots coming from the forest behind the house. They didn't go at the door and went directly between the trees.

- Um, you're sure it's a good idea to go near the gunshots? Because, I always thought it was better to be as far as possible of it! told Bev.

- It's the only way to find her, answered Max.

Which was true. They arrived at a place with less trees but with glass bottles on old tables and targets on trees. Jane was shooting on the bottles, her back in their direction, and the dog next to her, looking at them and growling. The three girls slowly approached, keeping an eye on the dog who was doing the same. A branch cracked and Jane turned on the top of her body and pointed the gun at them. The friends had the reflex to slowly raise their hands. Jane lowered her gun, put it in her pants and made a movement with her hand to the dog who stopped growling.

- What the fuck you want!? asked sharply Jane.

- Um...we were wondering how you were, answered Max.

- I'm fine, go away now.

- We are sorry, intervened quickly Bev, for your house. We didn't know someone was living there, even less you.

- Whatever.

- No, no, I really want to apologize, I can't even imagine what you lived when you realized we were going to your house, attacking your dog, trying to burn your cat, you were certainly so scared!

- I wasn't! I'm not a pussy!

Max had a cold shiver. Last time Jane said that, it was at her apartment, just before she cried. She wondered who told her that to convince her that being scared and crying was something weak, to be ashamed of! No wonder why Jane was so complicated, even her didn't know how to react correctly to something and that it was normal to feel those emotions!

- That, that was not what I was meaning, continued Bev.

- I don't care! Leave now! I've more better things to do!

- Like shooting bottles!? intervened Melissa.

- Like looking for my cat who ran away after people like you decided it was normal to burn an animal! I spended the night looking for him but he wasn't there! Because of you!

- Jane...

- No! There is no Jane! Stay with YOUR people and leave me alone! Stay with your fucking pal!

Max looked down. She was ashamed of his behavior that night, she was still not understanding what happened in his mind!

- I still don't understand why you're with this coward! IT SHOULD BE HIS HAND IN A PLASTER CAST! NOT MINE! yelled Jane.

- I know...told Max.

- Yeah you know! But you're still with him! You preferred staying with this cunt like finding someone better! I don't understand you!

- It's not the point! My relation with Dan is not your business Jane!

- Well, you're right! It's not anymore my business! I won't have to suffer your disgusting kisses with that!

- Jane! got upset Max.

- He is disgusting! That's a fact! Even your best friend can't stand him!

Max frowned at Jane before turning to Beverly. The redhead was trying to avoid Max' eyes but couldn't stop giving quick looks to her.

- Why didn't you tell me!? asked Max with a hurt tone.

- Because she was hoping this to end fastly! Like everyone else! told angrily Jane.

- Shut up Jane! I'm done hearing you! I was worried for you and I really thought we could be friends but apparently not!

- Why!? Just because I yell!?

- Not because you yell but because you yell awful things! Right now, you're just a jerk!

- Yes I'm a jerk! I come from jail, I'm obviously a jerk! Tell me something I don't already know!

- STOP! intervened Melissa.

Max and Jane both stopped talking, taking deep breathings. The black girl quickly walked to Jane and grabbed her hoodie to get her closer to her face, looking deeply in her over dilated eyes.

- You shouldn't play with guns when you're completely stoned, grumbled Melissa between her teeth.

She brutally let go her friend who was maintaining the look.

- I'm not playing, answered Jane. I'm training.

- You should train how to be nice.

- Fuck you.

Melissa shacked her head in disbelief before walking away. The two redhead, not wanting to stay here with Jane's bulging red eyes, followed her. They couldn't believe it, Jane was a real cunt! Even Melissa wasn't recognizing her! Something was wrong, and it was certainly not just because of Halloween, she was usually moody but not at this point!

Max didn't know what to think about it. As usual, she was furious after her, but a part of her was still thinking it was her way to protect herself from everyone else, from the real world, this world she was aside a big part of her life. And she was stoned, maybe it was the anger added with the drugs who talked, not the real Jane, the one who liked drinking hot chocolate while watching cartoons or hugging her Teddy bear to smell him. No, she was convinced that there was something wrong, but what? She would certainly never know.

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