Chapter 13 : Feelings

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The girls were sat on the bench while the teacher was explaining them what they were going to do. Beverly was wondering if Jane was going to try this time, last week she got angry super rapidly and left before the end. She could see on her face that she was still mad and wanted to be everywhere than here.

The man whistled and all the teens stood to go on the ice, except Jane who was still on the bench. She thought it was unbelievable that the teacher totally ignored it and continued his class like if everything was normal, excluding one of his students. While the others were beginning to train, she slid to him.

- What about Jane? asked the redhead.

- She can't skate, I won't ask everyone to be at her level just because she has to catch up!

- But you can't let her like that! If no one teaches her she won't learn!

- She is all yours! replied the man.

Bev clenched her jaw but didn't answer. She slid at the limit between the ice and the benches.

- Hey Jane, called Bev.

Jane looked at her with angry eyes.

- You wanna try?

- No, told sharply Jane.

- Come on, you can't stay her all the semester, I'll help you.

- I don't need your pity!

- Can you put your ego on a side and admit you can't skate!? stated firmly Beverly.

- I know I can't skate!

- Then what's the problem!?

- I...I don't wanna!

- You're scared!?

- No, I'm not! took offense Jane.

- Prove it!

Max, who was alone on the field, looked around to find her friend. When she noticed her, she wondered what she was doing with Jane and decided to approach them.

- Hey, what's wrong? frowned Max.

- Jane is going to skate, told Beverly.

- Oh, cool, need a hand?

- No, I'm fine! answered angrily Jane.

- Put your helmet.

Jane looked angrily at her and obeyed. She slowly walked to the ice, took a deep breath and finally moved forward with her shacking legs, trying to find her balance. Once on the ice, she weakly pushed with her arms. Her feet went forward without her and Jane fell on her back, her body in star. The two redheads pouted to each other before sliding next to the girl.

- You ok? asked Bev.

- Yeah...just wanna die, sighed Jane.

- Not dramatic at all, joked Max.

Beverly and Max held out their hands to help Jane but the girl rejected them and took support on the ice. When she pushed to go on her feet again, her skates slid without her, making her go back in her first position.

- Your ego has enough or you wanna fall again? mocked Max.

Jane grumbled some inaudible things before raising her arms, her two middle fingers up to finally open her hands and waiting for them. The two redheads shacked their heads, amused and helped Jane to stand. Once on her feet, she firmly grabbed the two girls by their shoulders, not wanting to fall again.

- You ok? lightly chuckled Beverly.

- I'm fine! answered Jane with an irritated tone.

- Relax, you're not gonna be hurt, told Max.

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