1. The Journey Outside The Known

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I climbed up the carved steps, looking up in awe at The Final Tree. I felt very honored to be here, before the last full sized tree. I stared up at the yellow blooms, the color of our country's flag, among the duller green leaves. The tree my ancestors nurtured for over a hundred years, the tree The Great Mother Eagle grew for us when she led us to this new land, to this mountainous area to the north, a large island of what could have once been the east side of the US, before the tsunami hit.

My ancestors were from all walks of life, but many of them came from the reservations that were overrun. Navajo, Cherokee, even the remaining Sioux. Them, combined with a large amount of people from all over Earth who believed in saving the planet, came together after hearing the Eagle's cry in the skies.

Together, with all their cultures, all their beliefs, they founded The United Life of The Eagle. T.U.L.T.E., as the country is known as for short.

Here we are, a hundred years later, and we proudly follow in their footsteps. There is no technology in our country, everything is man made and created to work with no power, no electricity and nothing harmful to our land. We work together as our ancestors did, and shared what we have.

But, while paintings of old show this large valley as a once green and lush place, humanity's poison outside our country spreads even over our country, dullening the color of the grass and leaving large patches missing on a once lush valley. The skies are cleaner here than anywhere you would find on Earth, often clear and grey blue, and at night you may see some stars. Though I have heard stories of bright blue skies and orange hued sunsets, of millions of stars like a river in the sky and the moon luminous and bright. But, the world outside is killing itself, and thus, slowly killing our home's once beautiful land. This land, as it is now, is all I have ever known in my life.

Our country produces most of the oxygen Earth needs through our large plankton farms just off our coasts. My father worked at one, before being called to aide in protecting our land from the greedy outside our natural walls of the mountains and our large separated island home. The greedy who want our land, not for gold, but for the cleaner air and better foods.

I never saw him again, and I was only six. I still remember him kissing my forehead before stepping outside the hut door, to never return.

My mother grew ill a year later, the pollution in the air coated her lungs and, as our country is not the richest in the world, nor do we use the modern technology, there were few doctors to aide my mother. We use older medicinal ways, but none have worked so far on such a deadly problem for our people.

She passed, after a healing elder gave her a plant mix to make her death painless. I remember holding her hand as she faded away, tears running down my cheeks.

I was a lost child, a pained child, when the Elder Council, the guiding torch of our country, took me in. Why, may you ask?

My people have one strong belief above everything else. Spirit Quests are The Great Mother Eagle's guiding words to those she believes to be strong. Very few in our country dream of a Spirit Quest, very few ever step outside our country for anything more than war. No one but soldiers can step back in again, unless their Spirit Quest has been fulfilled.

Which has only happened once before.

It is just the way of our people. While each hold different beliefs, we all share one similar belief, in that of The Great Mother Eagle. While old beliefs of the different cultures we all came from in the past still play a part in our lives, every one of us here in T.U.L.T.E. believe in the guardian of nature and life, The Great Mother Eagle.

I had a Spirit Dream when I was five. I can recall it as clear as day, and the Elder's treated me well due to the fact that there have been none, that they know of, who has received a Spirit Dream at such a young age. Nor has there been a Spirit Dream for a decade by any T.U.L.T.E. resident.

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