31. To Decide

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I pointed my bow and the target, feeling the movement of Falrar below me and balancing my bow in time with it. I narrowed my eyes, gripping Falrar's sides with my legs before letting the arrow fly. 

"Yes!" I shouted to the air, fist pumping the air as Falrar trotted to a stop. I turned Falrar around and raced to where Tsu'tey sat on the back of his Pa'li, next to the target. Don't know what has been up with him the past two days but he was been staring blankly at everything.

Even Neytiri noticed.

Now that was a shocking conversation.

I bounced down the tree spiral and to the bottom, purple fruit held in hand as I took bites while walking.

"Hetibay." I heard an unfamiliar voice say and turned to see Neytiri there without Jake Sully. I tilted my head in confusion, I have hardly spoken two words to the future Tsahik, mostly because she is around Jake Sully all the time.

"Yes, Neytiri?" I asked.

She looked around the crowded bottom of the tree and then back at me. She definitely has the same tough expression her mother has, the one that make you want to confess everything. Though her's is more gentle than Mo'at's.

"Come. I wish to speak."  She said, gesturing away to a set of more tangled roots away from the flow of moving Na'vi. I looked around in confusion before following her.

I gasped in shock as she pulled me around a corner with an iron grip on my arm. I looked at her in shock to see her studying me in a way that made me uncomfortable.

"You are Tsu'tey's student, do you know why he act so quiet?" She asked, making me relax.

"No, I have honestly been curious about it myself. Started yesterday and while he still talked the same, sounded like he was thinking pretty hard on something." I said honestly.

Neytiri looked nervous and peeked out of the roots. I quickly followed her line of sight, unsurprised to find Jake Sully in her line of sight. Their relationship must be getting worse than I thought. I grimaced in worry and anger at that before wiping my expression as she looked back at me.

"You know not what make him not Tsu'tey?" She said, nearly as bad with english grammar as Tsu'tey.

"Sorry, Neytiri, but I don't." I said, pulling my arm from her iron grip and rubbing it. I looked up and blinked in confusion to see her studying me.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, thank you for being honest, Hetibay." She said, "I see you hold kind heart, it affect Tsu'tey, he no longer is so mad. He ask about other's day and talk less about proud things with hunters. Thank you for helping him, though it not what you planned." She said, making me blink in shock.

"Y-your welcome, I guess?" I said.

She smiled, "We be great friends, but you avoid Jhake and I train him. Maybe one day." She said, walking away.

I snorted, Jhake. Well, turns out we all say each other's names wrong, huh?

"Center shot. You are ready for hunt, but I must hunt with hunters tomorrow." Tsu'tey said in the same bored sounding voice.

"Alright." I said, shrugging. I had not spoken much these past few days either. With Tsu'tey just staring bored at everything it was less fun to try to irritate him, especially since he hasn't once scowled of growled at me for doing such stupid things.

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