52. Annoying Na'vi Men

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"By The First Fires... why in the world did I pull that stunt?" I mumbled under my breath in Tula, grumbling and cursing as I held the knife Tsu'tey gifted me, trying to cut through the torn woven leather so I could replace it. I decided to take a ride out through the mountains this morning to clear my head a bit, also find the right material to make a pouch for my bow and arrows to sit in, which I did.

On the way back through, I decided to do something stupid and asked Solros to show me how truly fast he can fly and turn. Which is what landed me in the clearing I used before to tell the children stories. The broken tree branches had been buried and the trampled ground looked less fresh now that it had rained once, some grass even beginning to poke back through. I hoped I might soon get to restart that with the children, I could tell they miss it.

 I know I missed it.

But, at the moment, I need to repair Solros' saddle or else I will have to make it all over again. It's not like I can stuff his saddle in my hammock, so I have to repair it now or leave it and possibly either anger the Na'vi or find it missing I dragged the sharp blade over the leather again, taking extra care to make sure not to stab myself, the leather bouncing back and trying to smack me in the face from the tension. I cursed quite colorfully in Tula as I rubbed my cheek, glaring at the now hanging leather strap. Next to me I had just enough leather to repair the damage I did to the saddle by gripping too hard onto the leather, causing it to rip.

I cut off the remaining part of the hanging strap, moving onto the next one I tore up, when my sense detected a change in the energy of Eywa under my feet, making me freeze for a moment as I realized someone was approaching. I flicked my ear, listening because the  clearing is pretty empty right now, the late afternoon sun providing just enough light for me to finish repairing Solros' saddle.

I listened, not recognising the footsteps. They definitely are not Tsu'tey's, he tends to walk with a lithe, silent grace. They are not Mo'at's or Neytiri's purposeful but silent steps and they definitely are not the stomping sounds of Jake walking by.

I looked out of the edge of my eye, cutting off the remainder of that strap as I did so, tossing it onto the opposite side to be buried at the base of a tree later, or maybe I will reuse it, I'm not sure yet. I spotted the form of a Na'vi male walking around the tree, the light just catching his face enough for me to see who it is. I just about groaned in annoyance.

It's that same Na'vi male who has been eyeing me since he met me before we all went to Ikminaya. I never even learned his name and, to be honest? I wasn't eager to. He eyed me like I was a prize or something, disgusting. I felt my already irritable mood sour even more. It hasn't escaped my attention that, once I was accepted into the Omaticaya, many males have eyed me like a potential mate. I made sure to glare at them in angry challenge, daring them to try to approach me.

Maybe Tsu'tey is rubbing off on me.

It honestly is the first thing to remind me of humanity among the Na'vi, to be honest. But, then again, it seems like males are the same across all species, even alien species. It made me feel funny though... in my human body, I was never the prettiest. Skinny like a toothpick and taller than most shorter guys made me look awkward and odd. My wide expressive eyes were about the only thing that seemed to draw attention. I was very annoyed to see that trait transfered to my avatar. There is a reason I let my long, wavy dark brown hair grow out. Tends to hide my eyes a bit better and soften the effect of how truly skinny I was.

Now though? My human body is a literal twig, I could count my ribs. But my avatar body isn't skinny anymore.

All that training to become one of the Omaticaya paid off in one way, my skinny anorexic looking form changed to be covered in lithe muscle, making my arms, torso, and legs actually match with my thin form. I wish I could look like this in my human body and, while I can get muscle, I still look like a weird off toothpick in my human body.

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