53. The Downhill Spiral

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Everything was great, the knowledge of what is in store of me, how little time I have left, was hardly on my mind. I my human body I was able to put together a safe mix of two medications I found in one of the storage boxes that would alleviate the pain for more than a day and allow me to eat and drink without the nausea.

Such a mix has long term effects of kill a person after ten years or less, but I know I don't have ten years, much less one, so I took it to be able to survive a bit longer and enjoy my time as one of the Omaticaya. Scanning the infected areas has become easier, I have faced the five stages of grief over the life I have lost, now I am just accepting of what is to come. 

Life in Hometree is more amazing than I ever imagined. I woke up in the morning and, at Tsu'tey's insistence that I am now Omaticaya, ate Yerik meat when it was brought in from a hunt. I even joined the others on a few hunts, but only with those I knew who wouldn't hate that I am a Dreamwalker. Tsu'tey always insisted he join me, eyeing the others with distrust. Which I found sweet, that he cared for me so much as a friend.

I really do think now that Tsu'tey sees me as a friend. While the scowls and insults haven't slowed, the little actions from Tsu'tey proved he considered me a friend. When he wasn't busy learning the rules of becoming the future Olo'etykan or taking new Na'vi up to Iknimaya for their ikran's, he spent a lot of time around me.

Oddly enough he wanted to learn more of my native language of Tula, so I continued to teach him the language, if he continued to learn at a faster pace than I ever learned Na'vi. He also helped me improve my Na'vi, because my accent still makes it interesting at points.

I sat down on the mushroom I sat on healing up my leg not too long ago. It was by request of the parents of the Na'vi children that this storytime be moved inside the tree for safety. I understood, and had moved the little odd class here, just under the thicker roots of Hometree. I sat on the edge of the mushroom, picking up one of the sticks from under the mushroom, biting my lip as I began to draw a Mammoth, or at least the best I knew a Mammoth to look like, for the story I had today.

It is another favorite of mine, of the tribe of the north and how they tamed the giant Mammoth's for their protection from the south. I was always fascinated by the idea of Mammoths, giant furry elephants with massive tusks. I used to not be able to imagine an animals that size.

But now I have seen Hammerhead Titanothere's, those guys are massive. The kids still haven't arrived, I know Tsu'tey, Neytiri, and Jake just got back from a Sturmbeest Stampede that I would have joined in, but I didn't want to disappoint the children again my missing another story. Buy the look of pride on Neytiri's face and the bright smile on Jake's, I can only guess he successfully took down a Sturmbeest.

Now I was just simply waiting for the children to arrive.

When it happened.

Grace, in her avatar form, ran into the tree, frantically looking around until her eyes landed on me.

"Hettie! Quaritch hacked the systems, changed the message being sent to Earth, telling those of TULTE that they murdered you, your prize Elder TULTE possessions were burned, and a party was thrown on Hell's Gate to your death. Quaritch knows you are seen highly among your people! He knows they see you as TULTE's last hope of saving The Great Mother Eagle!" Grace said, running up.

My breath froze, my mind froze, my body froze. I sat there, staring at Grace with wide eyes, unable to move, unable to think.



My people, my home, my country, those I fought for, I bled for, and was prepared to die for... Now given a lie, the most traitorous thing that can be done in TULTE law. Now... to be faced with not only the knowledge of my death, but that I failed.

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