34. Very Odd

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I stood near the base of the tree, a day later. Today, or rather tonight, is my first hunt. I was excited. 

I spent a lot of yesterday, after hearing Mo'at's words, rethinking my purpose here. This Eywa may be like The Great Mother Eagle in ways, but she is so different on a vast number of ways that she power on this planet is vastly different from the power The Great Mother Eagle displays.

While Eywa has a physical form, in that she is every plant and tree combined, The Great Mother Eagle does not.

It's like comparing a statue to the spirit of a statue. So I wasn't sent this far from earth to learn to see another motherly powerful deity, I was sent here to learn something else. I could only think it was something Tsu'tey would teach me, or something I would learn along the way.

So I decided to forget Eywa's message, to forget the uniqueness I learned and focus on the trial of learning ahead of me. There is no wall, no block in my path. I refuse to believe that, my path to saving The Great Mother Eagle is clear, I merely have to carefully traverse the path.

I am not blocking any part of who I am, no matter Eywa's words. I am happy, I am free, so I must have not read the message Eywa sent me in the right way. But, I will no longer focus on that. I am sure this unusual connection to Eywa can be explained away in another way, maybe some odd connection to my albino gene.

Yeah, that sounds about right.

I strung my bow over my shoulder, checking that my braids are secure before checking my most recent gift, a bone knife. I had fun making it a week ago, Tsu'tey showing me how as I added my own flare. I braided the leather strings as a tight strap over my upper cloth, which has earned me a few looks for my abnormal clothing.

If you could even call Na'vi worn things clothing.

But I had my reasons for wearing different upper clothing. I am not full Na'vi.

Lucky other female Na'vi...

I leaned back against the root I stood next to in the low sunlight of coming night, arms crossed and head tilted a touch as I stared blankly at the ground, lost in my thoughts. Lost in the feeling of the world around me, which I have tried hard to suppress. But it's like I opened the nozzle on a hose, information continued to hit me no matter how much I tried to block it. Felt a lot like a insistant hand, not stopping as it continued to try to push me.

I ignored it, or tried to at least. It wasn't easy.

"You ready for hunt?" Tsu'tey asked, making me blink and look at him, surprised to see him there. Then again, not too surprised, I was lost in thought. Which, I seem to be doing a lot recently.

"Ya, ya." I said, shaking my head as though I was trying to get rid of the cobwebs in my head. Tsu'tey looked down at me like a shrewd teacher, eyeing my action. Well, at least it isn't a blank stare, hopefully he figured out whatever was on his mind. Seems like it at least, or hunting yesterday helped him clear his head.

Whichever it is, he definitely seems less lost in his thoughts.

Wish I could say the same for myself.

He rolled his eyes, walking in the direction of the forest. I froze for a second, eyes wide before following. How odd, he didn't threaten me with running or any other sort of threat if I didn't follow him. Also, what was with the eye roll? I don't think I have ever seen Tsu'tey do that, or show any real emotion beyond mad, annoyed, and bored.

What happened to him? Also, am I in my human body right now, dreaming? Because, ya, this situation is weird. I still followed him, watching Tsu'tey closely. He wasn't walking like a pissed off cartoon character does in those old shows, and he did that all the time.

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