36. Iknimaya

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I patted Falrar's side, the Pa'li was currently sniffing through my hair while I waited for the members in which I would be joining in this test. Taming in ikran is a terrifying idea to me, but with Falrar's soothing, almost innocent emotions, I felt less worried.

"So, you pass your Hunt as well?" I heard suddenly, turning my head to see Jake Sully guiding a Pa'li.

I looked away, soothing my hand down Falrar's neck. He felt my anger, distrust, and my touch of fear. So he wasn't too much of a fan of Jake Sully. He snorted at Jake before returning to sniffing at my hair, like a Pa'li would do with their foal. It was honestly sort of cute, how Falrar has come to see me like his child, or a younger sister.

"Your pa'li is uh... sure interesting." Jake said, pointing out Falrar's sniffing at my hair and protective nature around me.

"I developed a bond with this pa'li and he has developed one with me as well." I said, looking and seeing his pa'li is an older female. Makes sense, Neytiri was actually trying to be nice to him when starting training with him.

I think, at the beginning, Tsu'tey hoped Falrar would knock me off his back enough I would give up.

How amusing that the Pa'li now really cares for me.

I didn't speak any more to Jake Sully. While we may have come to a truce, it does not mean I like the ex-marine. Nor do I intend to ever get along with him. But... I will keep my promise to Tom, no matter how much I don't like the moron, I will make sure he survives to return home.

Doesn't mean I have to be nice to the moron.

I sighed quietly when Tsu'tey appeared, making me feel a touch less of the tension between Jake and I. Tsu'tey glared at Jake before bringing his pa'li over to stand on the other side of mine, to block Jake from view.

Probably smart.

Tsu'tey nodded to me, and I did the same before silence fell. We were waiting for the other three who would be getting their ikran's as well. I looked up from rubbing Falrar's neck to see three young adult Na'vi approaching with their Pa'li's. One female, two males. I frowned deeply when I noticed one of the males watching me closely.


I rolled my eyes, hopping onto Falrar's back. I am hoping that states 'not interested'. Even when I didn't have my rule on never falling in love again, I still wasn't one who enjoyed being checked out. I got comfortable, laying my hands lightly on Falrar's antenna, turning my head to curiously see... Tsu'tey frowning in annoyance?

While that isn't abnormal for the guy, he wasn't frowning at me. I looked out in the direction he was frowning, confused. I didn't see anything, so why was he frowning? Tsu'tey looked at me with furrowed brows before hopping on his pa'li.

I feel like I just missed something, did I miss something? Did Jake Sully do something stupid? I am so confused.

"Follow." Tsu'tey called out, taking off away from Hometree at a fast gallop. We have a lot of land to cover to reach the Hallelujah Mountains. I tapped Falrar's side with the heel of my foot and he took off after Tsu'tey at a fast pace. After I got the hang of it, riding on Falrar's back became a breeze. I knew, just from Falrar's memory, the best ways to hold on and not drag down on his speed.

I smiled as the breeze ran through my hair, my smile pulling a touch of a funny away at the paint that one who is going on their Iknimaya test must wear. It's different for each of us, just subtle paint. Mine is just a light grey, fits with the whole light color thing I got going.

I looked behind me, hair blowing in the wind and even my queue braid, connected with Falrar's antenna, was catching air. The other three warriors were right behind me. I smirked in amusement at Jake figuring out how to hold on as his pa'li pulled up the rear of the group. I looked forward when that same annoying male Na'vi suddenly started staring at me, smiling too.

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