54. True Sight of Eywa

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I didn't fall back through The Link. There was no tunnel of colors before my human eyes open to The Link Chamber, there was no pleasant yet off numbness from the medication mix I was using for the pain, there was no beeps and hums of technology.

There was nothing, there is nothing, nothing but my thoughts in an infinite black void.

Am I dead? Did the cryosickness finally claim my life? If it did, where are the stars to guide me to The Nest?

I turned in the darkness, realising I could turn. I reached out, unable to see my hands yet I could feel them, fumbling in the darkness, trying to place where I was. There was nothing but and empty black void, yet my feet touched ground, or I think it is ground, I can't actually feel what my feet are stepping on below me.

I creepily felt like I was in a constant state of freefall. This normally would trigger my fear, but my mind dredged up Tsu'tey's proud smile and the fear vanished.

You are not dead... Hettie... A voice faintly whispered. I frowned, listening. It wasn't Eywa's voice I was hearing, no, this voice was fainter, more distant, and it sounded... weak. Yet still powerful in the gravity in which it drew me slightly. Yet, at the same time, the gravity of another draw me a hundred times stronger.

I asked you to Live, Hettie... Giving up, it is not living... The voice whispered, or was it yelled? Now that I thought of it, the voice sounded very, very distant.

How can I go on? I doomed my people, I lost the life I could have lived, my Spirit Quest is failed, I have nothing left to live for! I shouted in pain, yet I didn't hear my voice, only my yelled thoughts.

You have EVERYTHING to live for, Hettie... You just have to look closer, see through her eyes... the way you never could mine... The voice echoed, seeming a touch louder but still faint and distant, pained and weakened.

I dropped my hands to my sides, pained and exhausted, just wishing for the emotions to end, to set me free from it all.

I heard a faint sigh, You always held a soul too bright for Earth, for My Valley, for My People... You need to see...

I frowned into the blackness, before, suddenly, it vanished. I blinked as bright light assaulted my eyes, the whistles, chirps, and caws of birds overhead, the rustling of leaves and the dripping of water assaulted my ears as my eyes adjusted.

I blinked, my eyes widening as a gasp of awe escaped me. Before my eyes was hundreds, thousands, of vibrant green trees reaching high into the sky, large overgrown tree houses lined each and every one of them, bridges connecting them all. Laughter, giggles, and talk filled the air, telling me an entire village was living in these trees!

I looked down at the ground, seeing hundreds of unique bushes, plants, and fruit bearing bushes covering the ground, moss reaching up the trees and grass poking through the holes in the vegetation.

You won't fail your Spirit Quest from what has just happened, Hettie... The voice whispered, yet it sounded as though it was right behind me, yet not at the same time. I turned and gasped in awe, craning my head back as a magnificent, large Steller's Sea Eagle looked down at me with gold eyes that glowed dimly like two suns.

I stared, eyes wide.

"Great Mother.... Eagle?" I breathed, awed. She leaned down to stare it me, a kindness and love in her eyes and yet a harsh, ethereal, wild fierceness at the same time. She is kind, yet she is ruthless. I remember the phrase, I never understood just how right it is till I looked her in the eye.

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