61. Broken Once More

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I opened my eyes to The Link Chamber and sighed in sadness. Even sleeping in my Avatar is not true sleep unless I leave my Avatar body. I stared resignedly at the top of The Link Chamber for a long moment before pushing the lid up, sitting up in my frail, weak form. You can clearly tell my health is rapidly deteriorating. While I am still the same tall skinny twig I have always been, the tanned color of my skin has long sense faded to a pale color. My dark brown hair is straggly and unhealthy, another sign that something isn't right with me. My left foot is paler than the rest of my body, that same paleness reaching up my leg to my knee, which recently started locking up when I walk.

I suspect soon that I will be limping along on it. The medical mixture was set up on the only free counter next to the rehydrator, the vials I put into red solo cups sitting there waiting for the next time I need to take more of the medication, a jar of the liquid sitting in the fridge. I sat up in exhaustion, my head drooping to my chest before I forced myself awake.

Right. Meds first, then sleep.

I stood unsteadily, walking slowly over to pick up on of the red solo cups before swallowing the vile mixture, which made me grimace. The stuff takes time to take affect so I stumbled over to The Link Chamber and carefully pulled the pillow and blanket back onto the chamber before laying down, exhaustion overwhelming me.

I may not longer feel the pain with the mixture I am taking, but I cannot deny the fact that my body is deteriorating fast. Exhaustion is a common problem with cryosickness, one that happens in the later stages of the sickness, when the body is confused and overworking in a fight against a sickness it cannot stop. 

By the point, those victims have two months, if they are lucky.

I closed my eyes tight, breathing heavy so I moment before calming myself and sighing, pushing away the pain and the panic as I wiped away a tear.

Live everyday like it's your last, I thought to myself as I watched the night glow outside till I fell asleep.


I yawned as I woke up, blinking at the dawn light beginning to show. I usually don't wake till the sun is well over the horizon, because that is when it is barely morning at Hometree. So why am I awake now?

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I blinked several times before looking at the computer in confusion. It's been a while since I received a message from the computer, Grace more or less gave me messages at Hometree to avoid the signal being intercepted. The only person that messages me this way anymore is Norm, but he makes the messages cryptic to avoid issues, since his avatar is back at the trailer while he is in Hell's Gate.

I sat up ,stretching as best I could without pulling and causing pain as I stood.

And stumbled. I instantly reached out and caught myself on the chair, gasping in shock before looking down at my leg, trying to bend my knee. I bit my lip in worry as my knee did not respond, feeling cold and not movable. I closed my eyes for a moment before the beeping of the computer drew my attention once more, making me scowl as I sat and tapped the screen.

I frowned at the message name being set only to 'Unknown'. This worried me as I tapped the message.

He knows. They are coming for the tree. Project Avatar is closed. He knows, black feather knows that white feather lives. He comes for the tree today. Be ready.

My eyes widened in horror as I realized just how badly the situation has deteriorated in just a few hours. I stood so quickly in my haste that I nearly fell off, racing through drinking some water quickly and eating a jerky bar before just pushing the blanket and pillow off The Link Chamber, hitting the quick setup power button as The Lick Chamber powered up before quickly hopping in.

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