75. The Na'vi of The Jungle

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I leaned down over Solros' neck, the wind blasting in my ears so loud that all sounds beyond the wind were distant and indistinguishable. I glanced over Solros' back as I used his fin to block the wind for a moment, seeing the mountains flying by at amazing speeds far below. The landscape has been changing at a fast rate, or maybe it slow, I don't know for sure.

Solros detected my urgency to reach this other Clan in the distance, so he took off for the high warm winds, which aid his speed even more. I could only guess that this is the fastest Solros has ever flown with me on his back. I would guess that only and hour has passed since we left the Kekunan village, the rest of the Kekunan warriors flying no towards The Tree of Souls without us.

I glanced back out of the edge of my eye to see Tsu'tey concentrating a lot on not falling, yet he looks a lot more graceful doing  it than I did the first few times flying on Solros' back. Then again, Solros isn't turning while flying incredible speeds. Tsu'tey had found a rather odd way to hang on without having to hold onto me, which I felt bad about but was grateful for, I don't know if I can handle Tsu'tey practically hugging me.

Wouldn't help me in hanging on either, plus he is the Olo'eyktan of the Omaticaya, there is probably some rule on that or something. What do I know? Tsu'tey had found a way to grip onto Solros' side with his legs while using the trailing end of Solros' saddle, which I made that way to help Solros keep his aerodynamic speed, as a hand hold. Luckily that was far enough down the saddle that he wasn't having to put us both in an awkward situation.

Or maybe just me, since Na'vi do not seem bothered by touching each other.

I looked forward once more, my hair flying back, loose braids smacking me in the face from the shear wind force. Solros roared to the skies, his roar quickly lost to the winds behind us as I folded my ears back against my head, tired of the constant loud sound of the wind. I was sort of curious at how fast Solros is probably flying right now, because I am having to grip with my legs even more than I usually do, and I was aware that Solros had used some protective piece over his air holes, a film to prevent too much air entering, or anything flying normal speeds while he is soaring at fast speeds through the skies.

I was curious about that. I suddenly felt Tsu'tey's hand on my shoulder before I saw him point at little more to the northwest. I blushed at how close he is, glad that he can't see my face as I lightly tugged on the leather between Solros' antenna, turning him a bit more in the direction Tsu'tey pointed. I understood why he didn't speak aloud, the likelihood of me hearing it is pretty low.

Yet again, I wondered what caused Tsu'tey to immediately just agree with me on our conversation back at Kekunan. I can't recall any time where Tsu'tey didn't argue with me at least a little. He is a proud Na'vi warrior, who from a young age was guaranteed to be the next Olo'eyktan because he is the strongest. That tends to inflate one's ego and, as much as Tsu'tey would deny it, he definitely has an ego.

Yet, where did that ego go in that conversation? The Tsu'tey I knew not even a month ago would never have agreed with this, much less come up with the idea to fly on Solros' back with me. That Tsu'tey would have seen it as something too destructive to his pride. And yet, the Tsu'tey I spoke to no more than a week ago would never have volunteered as willingly as the person sitting behind me now. I was still wondering if it was all some odd dream I had, though I realistically knew it wasn't. 

For some reason I cannot understand, Tsu'tey showed the most humble action I have seen from him yet, and it's... surprising yet pleasing to know he took my words into consideration and found another way, no questions asked. I hope he isn't doing this out of pity, I am still angry at myself for the mental breakdown I had in front of him last night, and I, albeit unwillingly, distanced myself from anything other than a professional conversation with him.

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