43. Eyes Opened

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I pulled my bow back, shot the target as Falrar raced on by, twisting the other arrow into place and pulling the bow back again. I waited for the target and shot.

"Ha! Nice, thanks for the help, Falrar." I said, patting his neck. He huffed happily as he slowed to a trot, turning around to head back to the targets.

"Let's see how close I got this time..." I said, more to myself. I haven't been sleeping the best, and my worries were a mile wide so I usually work as a way of keeping my mind off of my worries. I have been up and about long before the other Na'vi are awake and have left the Link hours after night fall. Solros enjoyed night flights and I learned an astonishing fact about Solros.

He has night vision. Mean, in a way it makes sense but in a way it leaves me very confused. With his coloration of white, you would think him to be mostly a day creature but here he goes and proves me wrong.

Not too sure why he has night vision though, I'm sure Dr. Augustine will find that interesting during the next chat. It just... I am spending more time in my avatar body for two reasons, one is that the trailer is dark, quiet, and lonely. Another is that the problems my human body is suffering terrify me.

But I'm not terrified for my life, like I said before. I'm more terrified that I will never play my part in the Spirit Quest. I ran my hand along the arrow, smiling.

"Bullseye on this one." I said, yanking the arrow from the target, "Let's check the other target, Falrar." I said, the Pa'li trotting forward to the next target as I checked the arrow for damage. I flipped it and nodded happily. Solros is out hunting right now, probably will be gone a few hours more. He understands that I cannot help much with his food needs, which leads me to wonder why he sticks around. As far as I understand, pa'li like Na'vi because Na'vi feed them and care for them. Ikran bond with one Na'vi because Na'vi has meat to give them.

But, so far, I have not seen anything Solros needs from me. I believe it is just his curiosity that drew him, which made me wonder that, if I ever became less of something interesting to him, would he leave?

Somehow, I doubted that. I have a feeling the interactions I have with Falrar and Solros are not supposed to be this in depth and understanding, like talking to another person. So far, I have not seen nor heard another Na'vi talk of either Pa'li or ikran bonds as I have. I didn't want to think of the reasons. I am not a Daughter of Eywa.

I have been doing my best to ignore the sense of the world I can feel, can hear, and can see but it hasn't been easy. Like I said before, it's like I opened locked doors and lost the keys, the doors just remaining open now, letting everything flow out. Like with Falrar, I can sense more of the world around me when bonded with Solros as well. They are both very different creatures, Falrar being more docile and just happy to help me while Solros loves to get amusement out of catching me off guard. But both care for me like a sister.

Which could be connected to the whole Daughter of Eywa thing...

I am not a Daughter of Eywa.

I pulled the next arrow free, smiling happily.

"Two bullseyes, I think I got the hang of this now, Falrar." I said happily. I looked around the forest, "What to do next though..." I muttered, thinking.

"You do nothing, you run self into ground with all this training. Heard you hardly stop for dinner." I heard suddenly, making me spin Falrar quickly, blinking as I noticed Tsu'tey sitting on his pa'li.

"Haven't seen you around in a few days." I commented.

"I was around, you train so much you not see anyone. Take break, before I punch you in face so you do take break." Tsu'tey said, though I could tell he didn't mean it. When did he start picking up on jokes? It's kind of amusing, his dry humor. I would almost say it is dorky, but I have to remember Na'vi don't understand all human concepts.

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