96. Hidden Me

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I opened my eyes and groaned in annoyance and pain at the interior lighting of The Link Chamber. I won't miss seeing this thing, too many bad memories are connected to this Link Chamber. I laid there for a moment, mustering the strength and energy for what I knew I would have to do next. I was wary and unsure about showing Tsu'tey my weakened and frail Sky Person form. Tsu'tey, like all Na'vi, admires strength and I hold none of that in this weakened body of mine.

I closed my eyes for a moment, exhaustion weighing me down so heavily I almost fell asleep right here, but I knew I had to do this. Tsu'tey believes I can make it through the Eye of Eywa and Jake needs this Link. I have to try, for Tsu'tey, and even for little Ca'lil. I had not seen her since before the battle but I heard from Mo'at, when she handed me the things to make a brace for Tsu'tey, that Ca'lil was fine and had been staying among the teenagers and other children.

I fumbled for the latch, annoyed with the dim blue lights of this thing that do not help vision before my shaky fingers found it and pulled. I groaned as the dim lights of the trailer burned my eyes as I raised a hand over them for a moment, giving them time to adjust before looking around. It's clear Norm has been in and out of here, stuff from the other trailer is now stored in this one and boxes that held medical supplies are now gone. I glance around to see if Norm was in this trailer and was relieve to see he is not here.

It's already bad enough I am letting Tsu'tey see just how bad my condition is, I would rather not have more see it, though I realistically knew many before see how awful I am. I sighed sadly before pushing up into a sitting position, my teeth gritted so hard they hurt as a weird, wounded animal like sound came from me. Oh, oh the pain is so much worse. I felt tears run down my cheeks just from how sharp, biting, and painful it was.

I took deep breaths, forcing my eyes open, know Tsu'tey is waiting on me outside and I don't want to keep him waiting forever. Which, at the pace I am going right now, I know I would. I threw my legs over The Link Chamber, my cold and unfeeling leg sticking straight out as I forced myself off of the Lick Chamber.

And promptly fell, crying out quietly. I curled up on the floor for a moment, taking deep breaths. Okay, lesson... lesson learned, take it slow. I felt bad for Tsu'tey, but I would never make it outside if I rush this. I gripped on tightly onto one of the handles for the shelving, glad that, even though my arms are shaky, they still hold enough strength for this as I put my good leg under me and pushed up into a standing position, a whimper of pain escaping me was my bad leg protested this. Last I checked, the entire leg to my hip is affected my the Cyrosickness and I honestly don't want to know how bad it is now.

In the third stage of the Cyrosickness, which I know I am in, the Cyro ice spreads much faster as the body speeds up the blood flow in an attempt to flush out the unknown problem, which does not work. Thus, with the body trying to fight something it cannot fight, other issues arrise.

One I am hating right now, which is dizziness. I blinked heavily, groaning as the world seemed to spin for one long moment before it balanced out once more. I turned my good ear towards the other trailer, listening to see if I hear Norm or any of the Na'vi who apparently set up camp around here to protect Toruk Makto. I heard nothing though, so I pushed off the shelving and stumbled, more like stepped with my good leg and dragged my bad one, to thew frigde, opening it to find my medication.

I blinked, horrified. I knew I had quite a bit left... only now it is not there. I noticed things rearranged and a slinking pit began in my stomach as I realized that Norm moved the food from the other fridge over here and he undoubtedly found my extremely high pain killers. He is a scientist, no doubt he put together what it is.

He probably disposed of it. I banged my head on the fridge, eyes closed tight as I took deep breaths. Okay, okay, I can... I can do this. I can survive today. I can hide the true pain I feel from Tsu'tey... right?

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