4. Waking Up

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I opened my eyes, breathing in the awful hospital smell all around me. I stared up at the white metal of the Cryo Bed around me in the dim lighting, my body floating in the zero gravity.

Much has changed, I have changed. And learned one inescapable lesson.

In the last two months on Earth, Tom and I became so close, I wondered when he would admit he likes me. I liked him, a lot, and wanted what we had to grow into something more. I liked his caring personality, the way he handed his sandwich off to a little child begging for money or how he gave his jacket to an elderly man who was coughing and shivering from the temperature drop on the streets, the way he talked happily with anyone and everyone, and was always so happy and joyful in the dreary world of Earth.

Tom always seemed too good for Earth....

I guess he was too good, too kind, too pure. He had asked me out on a date to a Cafe nearby the RDA's Avatar Program... I was so excited, he actually asked me on a date, that I arrived early, eagerly waiting for him to arrive, hoping that, finally, we might admit feelings for each other and try to move forward as a couple...

I remember that day like it was yesterday....

But not for any good reasons.

Hours passed with me sitting in that little Cafe, drink in hand and excitedly waiting before the excitement passed, and my heart began to sink. People came and went, my heart sank further and further as the hours passed and the day slowly turned to night, tears rising to my eyes as I worried over why he's stood me up... The workers, moving around cleaning and picking up the day's mess, stared at me with worry. I was the only customer left, the lights half turned off as I stared in pain at the door.

"Er, Ma'am? I'm going to have to ask you to leave, it's closing time." A worker said politely. I smiled sadly at him, keeping my head down to hide the tears in my eyes and paid the bill.

"Sorry for being in the way." I said softly to hide the pain in my voice.

"No, Ma'am, I'm sorry that they stood you up." The worker said sympathetically, moving to clean the table I vacated once I stood. I walked outside, pulling up my acid rain coat, frowning as acid rain fell from the sky onto these disgusting nearly empty streets. I walked to the air tram, hopping on and catching a ride back to my apartment, head hanging as I silently cried, hurt. Tom wouldn't stand me up.

Would he?

Buzz, Buzz!

Buzz, Buzz!

I frowned, fishing the glass phone out of my pocket Tom got me to help me stay in contact off RDA's turf with him and Norm, frowning more as I saw Norm's number on the screen. I answered it, holding the phone up to my ear in confusion.

"Are you alright?" He asked quickly, worriedly, sounding like... like he's been crying, making me frown even more.

"Ya, Norm, I am. I'm catching the air tram back home, Tom stood me up or forgot I guess." I said sadly, looking at the dirty metal floors of the air tram as I wiped under my eyes with the sleeve of my shirt.

Silence over the phone, expect from Norm's breathing, telling me he's still there.

"Norm?" I asked worriedly, tensing, feeling the ominous feeling in the air like I won't like what I am about to hear.

"Hettie... Tom didn't stand you up." Norm said in a heavy voice, making my blood freeze like ice at his words. No... No...

I waited, unsure if I wanted to speak, if I could speak, my throat closed off and the tears poured faster and faster, images of my father kissing my forehead before stepping out of the door to never return, images of my mother wheezing and coughing on her death bed... they all swirled in my mind, as another joined it... sitting in a Cafe... alone.

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