19. Stubborn Brick Wall

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I groaned and threw my arms over my face, wincing as an obnoxiously horrible beeping alarm went off next to my head. I blurrily opened my eyes, my room is dark and I couldn't see. I groaned again in annoyance, groggily reaching over my head and slapping the wall in a hopes I'll hit the snooze button on the alarm, if the weird wall alarm even has a snooze button.

I sleepily remember setting it so I could get up, eat, and get to the Link Room and drive my Avatar before village life for the Na'vi begins... I sighed as I forced myself to sit up and flick the light on, wincing when the light hurt my eyes. I rubbed one eye as I stood and sleepily glared at the wall built thing before hitting the snooze button, sighing in relief when the absolutely annoying alarm stopped ringing. I stretched my arms over my head and yawned tiredly, grumbling as I looked sleepily at my bed and sighed.

I really wanted to lay back down on that bed and go back to sleep. It may not have been a nice sleep, due to the bed being very uncomfortable and worries running through my mind for today but... I know I have to get up and face the day. Today is important, I need to face this right, so I don't worsen the situation I am already in. I know that I will need to be stubborn on things, and show I am a kind person, not an Atza Chy like a lot of these RDA employees clearly are... I grimaced as I am getting dressed, realizing calling people Eagle Poop isn't nice, in fact my people consider it as bad of a curse word as the f word... The Elders would have slapped me on the wrist for that.

I laid awake most of the night due to that uncomfortable bed, unable to sleep. I sat and watch the horrible artificial flame they have installed into a screen on the wall said to 'Help one sleep'. It is such a fake looking flame and definitely did not help me sleep. It flickers and kind of dances like a flame, but an actual candle is much more pleasant than this fake version. I have seen a real lit candle and I very much miss my candle lit hut back in TULTE...

I thought back to a time when there was enough peace and quiet in the day, no duties to do... Where I would sit at my scrap table and set my head on my arms, just staring at the lit candle set in the center of my dining table, watching the flame flicker and dance as I imagined my ancestors having huge ceremonial dances to the spirits around a roaring bonfire, singing and dancing as cinders from the bonfire drifted up into the air like magic... I could almost imagine the sound of the Navajo language being sung in song and dance, filling the air with such mystical sounds...

I always used to dream of such tales. Mother told me everything she could of our culture, now down to so few who truly remember. The Navajo people make up a huge part of the bloodline of TULTE people as one of the last largest tribes when the tsunami hit. But my mother's bloodline, my bloodline, were the last line of purely Navajo blood. I used to dream of going back in time and learning the Gourd Dance... I shook my head, forcing away such thoughts. Time travel isn't possible, and we cannot go back and change the world. All we can do is fight for a better future. A future where, maybe one day, it can be possible to perform the dances of our ancestors. And I look forward to that day.

I glanced at the pile of books I went through last night when I couldn't sleep, books lended to me by Dr. Augustine so I can improve my Na'vi. I learned plenty of new words, but my Tula accent affect how I said a lot of them, I repeated the name Tsu'tey so many times to try to master that 'seut' sound, yet I kept drawing it out and separating the s and the t. I decided I am just not going to say Tsu'tey's name. Ever.

I did brush up on the Na'vi vocabulary though, learning all the letter's of their language and the sounds of each, even if my accent practically destroyed how they are suppose to sound... Still, I studied so much because I would very much like to know when my 'teacher' insults me, which I can already imagine will happen a lot, since he glares at me like the scum of the planet. I expect to hear many insults and death threats in Na'vi... and am mentally prepared for many, many hate filled glares at cause goosebumps on my arms.

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