47. Healing and Storytime

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I hissed, carefully applying the gel Grace brought from a camp somewhere.

"That was stupidly reckless, Hettie! I mean, do you know the cost of the avatar you are using? Yes, I am grateful you saved Ca'lil but could you have done it without getting injured yourself!" Grace was ranting in her avatar form, pacing in front of me as I sat on a mushroom on one of the roots of the tree, biting my tongue to avoid groaning, the skin of my leg is purple, not blue, and definitely swollen. 

Mo'at stood off to the side, watching me with interest as I tested the leg for a break, grinding my teeth as the pain stabbed through me like lightning bolts.

"Grace, please stop worrying, I didn't break anything, it's just a very extensive bruise." I said in a pained filled voice, grabbing some of the leaf bandages Mo'at brought, wrapping the leg to prevent the gel from rubbing off, also to prevent infection in the semi deep cut from the sharp edge of the Sturmbeest's hoof.

My leg felt like I dipped it in acid to be honest, but the pain of having a bullet clip your ear is definitely worse. I remember the nausea and disorientation I had for days.

Grace sighed in annoyance, "Well, do make sure you take care of it right. I know you are a Medic, Hettie, and that you have studied up on avatar forms to be able to tend to them, but you also have a streak of caring for others health so much to the point you forget your own." Grace said, pointing a finger in my face.

I looked up at Grace and rolled my eyes.

"Yes, mother." I said sarcastically, making Grace chuckle.

"good to see you are still in a good mood. Now, I need to go study samples, so don't you dare get any worse injuries while I am gone." Grace said, making me smirk. I watched Grace walked away as I shifted my leg, my expression tensing.

I really am lucky the bone didn't break, but Na'vi bones are made of some strong stuff. But to say that bruise won't bother me for a while would be an understatement. I looked up as I heard Mo'at approach, seeing her look at my cleanly wrapped leg before looking up at me.

"In other life, you healer?" Mo'at asked, studying me with her x-ray look. I looked down at my leg, my face tensing as I thought of those desolate battlefields I ran across to save lives.

"In a way. I was a Field Medic, so I could do the simple stuff on a battlefield. Clean up bullet mounds, tend to injuries, or get soldiers back up on their feet to continue to fight. I don't know illnesses or other types of care." I said, looking up.

Mo'at studied me closely, making me nervous.

"I see change in heart, you found answer to Seeing self?" Mo'at said, making my eyes widen in shock. By the Eagle's Wings, Mo'at is very good at reading people. Or more just me, I tend to forgot my eyes are always way to open and expressive, a part of myself I don't like.

"I... think so. I don't know." I said quietly, looking across the tree, seeing a few Na'vi salvaging what fruit's and baskets they could from the Stampede. Ca'lil and her parents were in a far corner between two roots, holding Ca'lil between them as the exhausted little child leaned on her mother. I fought down a blush as I noticed the parent's had their queues connected.

I have learned enough of Na'vi to know what is an intimate gesture. Then again, I forget that Na'vi are not big on privacy. It's taken me months to grow used to others touching my shoulders, my hair, and my back in passing.

I looked back at Mo'at to see her frowning at me.

"Yet you think you close to answer?" She asked, studying me. I bit my lip, looking down.

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