98. Seeing The World Differently

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I glanced around at the Omaticaya at the base of the Caldera, plenty tending to wounded, carrying baskets of food, or cleaning up battle paint. I glanced around and smiled softly through my exhaustion as I spotted the children smiling and huddled together, giggling and telling stories. I was easily able to spot Ca'lil among them, and actually smiling.

I strained my ears to listen in to their conversation but I couldn't pick out any words due to my bad ear ringing. In my avatar I would have been able to pick it up, another reason to hope this works. Tsu'tey remained quiet, didn't even comment on the fact that several Omaticaya glanced up curiously before their eyes widened, staring in complete shock at Tsu'tey. Some of his hunters even had their jaws drop in a hilarious way as they stared at Tsu'tey like they didn't even know him, which made me bit my lip to avoid giggling at the hilariousness.

I mean, I know hwy they are staring at him in shock. Tsu'tey, known hater of Sky People, was letting one sit on his arm and hold onto him while he held said Sky Person gently and did not react at all to said Sky Person in his arms. Of course his hunters are going to be completely shocked.

Tsu'tey didn't even look at them though, continuing to the lead me around the tree. I noticed Mo'at up on the platform, arms held out as she listened to Eywa before her arms dropped and she sharply looked in my direction, her eyes landing on me first with a confused look before she glance up at Tsu'tey and looked even more confused. Tsu'tey didn't noticed as she turned and walked towards us, so I tapped his shoulder until he looked down at me before following my gaze to Mo'at.

Mo'at came to a stop in front of Tsu'tey, glancing up at him and then back at me.

"Tsu'tey, why you carry strange Sky Person? Who is she and why she here?" Mo'at said in Na'vi, staring at me as I grinned in amusement before speaking.

"Oel ngati kame, Mo'at." I said in amusement, knowing she would recognize my voice. There isn't much difference between my Sky Person and avatar voice, though my avatar's voice holds a more animistic like like tone and its highs and lows are sharper, making it more melodious. My Sky Person voice is just a pitch lower than my avatar's.

Mo'at's eyes widened as she stared at me, "Hetibay?! Daughter of Eywa, I never thought it be you." She said, before frowning, "But why you here in Sky Person body? You not like Jakesully, I saw you after battle." She asked as I frowned and looked down, trying to summon the courage to speak.

Tsu'tey beat me to it.

"She been keeping secret, Mo'at, that she only admitted to me this morning." Tsu'tey said, gesturing with his free hand to my stiff leg laid out on his arm, making me grimace, "She be dying, of human sickness. She did not even expect to make it through battle." Tsu'tey said in annoyance, scowling down at me as I blushed in embarrassment, glancing at Mo'at as she gave me a stern glare, making me stiffen.

"Hetibay, you should have told us! You mean much to Na'vi, Hetibay, we would hate to loose you. You may not be my daughter, but I have come to see you as such. Eywa send you into our lives for us to learn from you, and you to learn from us, not for you to die once battle is won!" Mo'at said, making my eyes widen more and more in shock as I stared at her. She... she sees me like a daughter of her own? I mean, I know I spoke a lot to Mo'at and learned much from her, but I didn't know... Mo'at's stern glare softened with worry, a motherly like worry I haven't seen since I was so young... "Do not die on us now, Hetibay, you still have so much life to live."

I stared in frozen shock as she looked up at Tsu'tey, "Take her around to back of tree, Neytiri and Jakesully left while ago, the two rogue Sky People are back there, behind roots, I suggest not disturbing them, they seem...." Mo'at stopped and said something in Na'vi that I didn't know, that made Tsu'tey snort in amusement. I glanced between them both, wondering what was said, then I blushed as I realized exactly what Trudy and her... interesting personality and near experience with death would make her do with Norm. It is really hard for me to imagine Norm going along with that, he so the exact opposite of Trudy, but then again I have seen Norm do things recently that the Norm I knew on Earth never would have done.

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