27. Less Disliked

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I stood on the edge of the branch, looking back at Tsu'tey nervously because I really didn't want to look down. While we had moved to a set of lower branches on this large tree, I still had the feeling I would not like this methods of facing fears.

"You fear heights, tell me why." He said, sitting on a thin, bending branch like there isn't a worry in the world. I carefully sat on the branch, hugging my sides out of nervousness.

"I wasn't always liked as a child. All I will say on that matter is I was pressured into climbing the dead roots on an old tree straight up a rocky cliff and nearly fell to my death." I said, reaching up and grabbing my feather in my hair, "I only survived because of a Steller's Sea Eagle, a very large and magnificent bird. This is a feather from such an eagle." I said, gesturing to the feather.

"So, you fear fall more than you fear height. Fear is rope, it can bind, it can block, it you let it. Face fear head on and it is no longer fear. I teach you to control fall, watch." He said, standing suddenly and diving off the branch like it wasn't a death wish. I gasped and crawled on my hands and knees to the edge he jumped off of, looking down to see him falling, landing from one giant leaf to the next, each slowing his fall until he caught and vine and swinged down to the forest floor, landing on his feet like he didn't just jump a great distance down.

I saw him look up and gesture to the forest floor. Oh no, no, no, no, no... Please tell me he doesn't mean what I think he does?! I knew I wouldn't like his methods of facing fears! Okay, okay, he has been very, very oddly nice about this, no reason to give him an excuse to kill me, right?

I took a few deep breaths before I tricked myself by pretending I was stepping out onto another branch. Realistically, I knew no branch was there but it made me feel better. I felt my breath leave me, fear filling me as I realised I really was in free fall right now, I was so terrified I couldn't even scream. 

I tackled a tree, wincing as it scraped up my arms and legs, not letting go.


I glared at Tsu'tey with the heat of fire's as I mashed up some leaves between my fingers. He just leaned against the tree, watching me with a bored looking expression. Probably bored of dealing with me, I am sure. I pulled another two smaller leaves of another plant and mashed it together with the mix in my fingers, adding a touch of water.

I huffed and carefully rubbed the mix over the worst scratch from the tree that ran down my entire arm. The others were not too much of a worry, but I still applied touches to each of those places. I am so glad Dr. Augustine gave me those books on Pandorian flora and fauna, or else I would not have known this plant could treat injuries like some of the plants grown in TULTE.

"You are healer?" He asked finally.

"Field Medic." I said, looking up to see his confusion, "I treat simple injuries, on the battlefield." I said.

"You seen battle?" He asked incredulously. I am sure my skinny form and my more civilian like actions probably confused him.

"My father died to battle, my mother died not long after. I decided I did not wish to see another child suffer remembering their parents, but never able to see them again. It changed, after my first time in the field, seeing the destruction humanity's battle wage on earth, to just saving lives and hoping that those I save could change the tide of the battle and stop such destruction." I said quietly, washing of the plant material on my hands in the stream, staring into it as my mind flashed with the desolate destruction and horrific sight of such battles, littered with fires, metal, ashes and pits of blown up dirt, so much ash the sun could not even break through.

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