16. Meet The Omaticaya

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I glanced over my shoulder nervously, noticing the three sets of hooves characteristic of Direhorses, and that there are five sets of those hooves. I nervously looked up first at the five Direhorses as I raised my protective walls around my expression, controlling it with an iron fist as I looked up to see five Na'vi males, all with their bows drawn, all of them pointed at me, each male tense and waiting for me to move as their Direhorses pranced a little uncomfortably on the ground, snorting at me.

Did... did the The Great mother Eagle lead me to exactly where I needed to go? Why now of all times? I have not even begun to draw good attention from the Na'vi, they thick I am a filthy RDA employee which... on paper? Yes, I can be considered that. How in the world did I find myself in Omaticaya territory on my own after that though?

I glanced at each Na'vi male, seeing their tense expressions as they all pointed their bows at me. I forced my expression to remain blank as I slowly put down my bow, loosening the taut string as I held both bow and arrow in one hand, slowly turning to face them as the Na'vi tensed. I would rather not be full of holes from arrows and having deadly neurotoxin killing me, so I held my free hand up to show I had no intention of touching my bow... even as I held my bow and arrow tightly in my other hand, ready at any moment to raise it and warn them of how explosive the arrow on my bowstring is... even if I would never shoot it.

I don't want to die... but I don't want to kill either. I hate seeing people or animals in pain... the reason I chose my degree and line of work.

I looked at each Na'vi male closely once I had fully turned to face them, making sure my expression is closed off and unreadable as I eyed the Na'vi males closely, tense and prepared to raise my bow and arrow in a second if they tensed. I am equal parts curious and terrified as I studied the Na'vi males, surprised at their eyes being green, do my eyes also do the same and turn green in the dark? Their choice of clothing is interesting, by that I mean the sheer lack of it, all of them have a loincloth and different assortments of leather wear that hardly covers their body's. It is easy to quickly determine the leader of this group by how the Na'vi males looked to one specific Na'vi. I focused on him, which did not make me feel any better about this situation. Out of all of the Na'vi males, he looked the most disgusted to even have to look at me. In fact, he is looking at me like you would look at Vermin, like I look like some truly disgusting being.

Well... that is a look I have not received before and it truly makes my feeling of self confidence drop... and also makes me terrified I will not survive no matter what I say to him.

"We get one... , and find another?" A hunter nearby the leader that I am keeping my eyes on said in Na'vi. I so wish I knew more of the language, to know what that long sounding word is that he said. I glanced at the hunter in question, seeing disgust on his face, but it's not the overwhelming, 'I hate you and everything you are' look I am getting from the leader of the Na'vi group. In fact that look on his face is sending chills down my spine from fear more than any of the other Na'vi males are. I felt like an ant under this male's boot or, well, foot, since they don't wear shoes...

I truly did not expect that I would be meeting the Na'vi so soon though, I wish I had some more time to brush up on the language before I met them, but I am out of luck now...

I kept my eyes on the leader as he looked sharply at the hunter next to him, the hunted backing his Direhorse away a little and falling silent as the leader looked sharply at me once more, such vicious disgust and, dare I say it? Hatred burning in those sharp and cold green eyes. I fought down the shivers, forcing myself to not look away from the sharp and hate filled glare I am getting, so sharp that if a glare could cut me to pieces, this glare would.

"What you doing here." The leader said in rough English, broken sounding and thickly overlaid with his harsh accent, truly making the English sound funny to me. The very hatred in his tone is like someone dripped ice water over my head, sending chills down my spine... I think I got unlucky, and met the wrong Na'vi of the Omaticaya clan...

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