42. Apology

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I opened my eyes to silence. It just made all that has happened that much clearer. I sighed, eyes closed tight as I pushed the lid of the Link Chamber up to a darker packed trailer, exactly as I left it. I sat up, groaning as I rubbed my neck, looking about the room, frowning at a blinking light on the computer Trudy said was for calls.

I ignored that for a moment, taking a pain pill before the pain can kick in, kicking off my boot and checking my foot. I sighed, definitely worse, now all my toes don't bend and I can feel the beginning of a touch of stiffening in my ankle. I closed my eyes and felt a sob rise before I let it free, breaking the silence in the trailer as tears ran down my cheeks, sobs escaping one after another.

I wiped my face in annoyance, taking a deep breath. I looked up at the computer, sighing sadly as I stood, walking to the computer. I studied the screen, seeing the blinking icon and tapped my finger on it, a page opening with words.

Dr. Grace Augustine: How are you settling? I am sorry for what has happened, but it is a locked up and cut case now. Selfridge is sending your ID card and the piece of cloth up to the Venture Star next shipment. I heard you got your ikran, but then Jake said what you got wasn't a ikran. I am curious, but I will not push for answers. Jake also wishes to speak to you at some point.

I blinked and looked at the keyboard, huffing before studying the screen for the oh so nice voice recorder button that turns words said aloud into text. I clicked it and began to speak.

"As good as things can be, Grace. I need to look at the positives, I'm still alive, not dead, and I am far from those who would kill me. I hope my ID card and things reach TULTE, as unlikely as it is. It's cramped here, but I don't spend much time out of the Link anyways. Also, thank you for the coffee, I appreciate it. If Jake wants to talk to me, I prefer it to be messaging through this or that face to face recording thing Trudy mentioned, even if I do not want to speak to him." I muttered, watching it send.

I carefully walked, more like limped, to the rehydrator, releasing a sound of relief at spotting the algae jerky bars. I quickly put it in the rehydrator before pulling it out and taking a bit. I ain't no fish, but it is ten times better than the crap on the other trailer.


I looked at the computer, pushing off the counter and making my way over to it, seeing a message.

Dr. Grace Augustine: Good, keep looking at those positives. I am so sorry, Hettie, I was the one who brought you in on this and now everything is backwards from what I planned. The coffee is my way of giving back some, plus the books on more things about Pandora that you probably don't know. Jake says he will give a discreet call in two hours to talk to you. Also, you didn't mention, what did you tame if it isn't an ikran?

I smiled, clicking the talk button again.

"His name is Solros, I am sure you know the meaning of that word in my language. And, yes, he is not a ikran. I actually forgot to tell you, but I saw him a few weeks ago. The Na'vi refer to him as White Foot. He is a bit bigger than an ikran, more streamlined, with a fin on top of his head, not on the bottom. He hunts and eats Stingbats, so he is built with the speed to track them down and the agility to turn on a dime to catch them. He honestly nearly made me puke the first few times he pull fast turns. His skin is vibrant, but not too vibrant. White makes up the majority of his coloration, blue stripes running along him and he also has talons like a Great Leonopteryx. But I doubt you have heard of him, because his kind are rare and very fast, they can really elude detection." I said, watching it send.

I took a drink of water, deciding to pull out a book to read while waiting for her message. I sat on the ledge of the link chamber, flipping the book over to see it talked of Pandora's seasons and rotation around Polyphemus, plus the two months of radiation that we were all warned of before stepping on Pandora.

I flipped it open to Polyphemus, curious about why our gas giant is a mix of browns and golds and this gas giant is blue. I read, interested in all the neat little facts before the computer pinged again. I put the book down and stood, reading the screen.

Dr. Grace Augustine: Oh! I need to document this right away! You are drawing me a full picture of this creature's looks, tell me it's size, and all I can learn about it. It has been twenty years since a new species of Pandorian Wildlife has been discovered. I will leave you alone for now I get some rest before Jake calls you. Also, what would you name this creature in english? You discovered it, you should name it.

I chuckled and typed two words.

Leo Falconyx.

A reply came back not too seconds later.

Dr. Grace Augustine: Good name, it's speed is alike the falcon, and it holds relations to the Great Leonopteryx. I like it. Have a good night, Hettie, I will do my best to keep in contact.

I sighed, leaning back before sitting on the Link Chamber again. I looked at it in annoyance, knowing sleep was going to be interesting.


I snorted, blinking my eyes sleepily to the sound of the computer making way too happy of chiming sounds, unlike my alarm to wake me up in the morning which just sounds annoying. I sat up and rubbed my head, approaching the computer to find a giant green button on screen and a giant red one. Seriously? I'm not this out of touch with technology that I need giant buttons. I wondered if this was Max's doing.

I sighed and clicked the green one, the camera on top of the computer came on as the screen popped up with a camera feed of a very sleepy looking Jake Sully.

"Go to bed, Sully, you and I both wake up early and it looks like I am getting more sleep than you are." I yawned.

He snorted and then composed himself.

"I was only calling to let you know... that I know who you are, or that I know you are from TULTE. I just wanted to reassure you, I won't say a word. I swear upon Tom's grave not to. You made Tommy happy so.... in my books you are more like family. I'm sorry I have been... an ass. I think Neytiri really helped fix that. I... See everything much clearer. That's... all I really wanted to say." Jake said, reaching up for the camera.

"Jake! Wait." I said, Jake freezing and looking at me through the camera curiously, "I just want to say... I am sorry too. I have been quite the bitch to you as well, ignoring you and assuming your reasons for coming here. I am also sorry for nearly stabbing your eye out with a fork." I said.

"I deserved that." Jake said, making me chuckle.

"Maybe you deserved a smack on the back of the head, but definitely not a fork to the eye. And... thank you, Jake, maybe you aren't as bad as I thought." I said, smiling a touch.

"See ya, sis." He joked, camera turning off.

I rolled my eyes and walked up to a box, pulling out blankets and the pillow, laying it all out on the Link Chamber before picking up my book to read.

Sleep is a long ways away.

Short chapter, very short, but there isn't much to add here. Enjoy!

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