33. Learning Who I Am

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I stepped into Hometree, having been out in the clearing again for most of the morning. It was different in the day, Eywa still guided things, made a tree grow a touch here, made a branch fall of or shift there to let light reach a new tree over there.

It is honestly amazing.

And overwhelming, or, it would be, if it didn't feel like Eywa had laid a soft guiding hand on my shoulder. It was terrifying and awe inspiring, just how much I could feel Eywa around me. She was one voice, yet she was thousands. But, it felt like a part of her focus was on me at all times.

While sitting in the clearing, I came to the startling revelation that, from the moment I stepped into this avatar body, Eywa has been watching me.


I wonder if it was her will as well as The Great Mother Eagle's, for me to learn from the Omaticaya. 

But why would Eywa care so much that I learn? To save another like her, Earth? I have a feeling that isn't my answer.

I waited at the base of Hometree. The other Na'vi said Mo'at was busy at the moment and, with Tsu'tey off with a hunting party, I was okay with waiting. I sat against a root, stick picked up from the ground and drawing in the dirt.

I smiled a touch, remembering doing this as a kid. My people are very against using such wasting materials so paper of any kind was saved for book and papers of importance only. So, as a kid, I took a thin metal scrap pipe and drew in the dirt, playing tic-tac-toe with the other kids and having fun with drawing contests.

We were always cautious of the grass so the adults wouldn't stop our games and I can remember many times adults watched in happy amusement as we played so many games.

I tilted my head, drawing the arch of a wing, curving it in as I began to draw a wing, spirling it upwards and sharply curving it down for a beak as I arch it backwards and back up.

"What is it?" I heard a high, child like voice ask. I looked up and blinked in shock, noticing the younger kids of Grace's classes she had been having here inside Hometree were around me. I wouldn't guess that the oldest was older than eight.

I smiled, remembering talking of the Earth's past to the younger kids when they were eager to know what I learned in Spirit quest training.

"This is an eagle, it is a flying, magnificent creature of my world. Bright and brilliant, though they are the size of a sting bat, sometimes even bigger. They are mostly feathery, like this." I said, pulling my feather around to show them. I didn't flinch this time as a child stepped forward, feeling the feather and giggling.

"Are they like rock too?" The child asked.

"No, their feathers are soft, like feather plant." I said, remembering asking Tsu'tey once why people reacted to the feather in my hair when they have feathers in theirs. That was how I learned of a plant that grows leaves like feathers.

"Why that feather hard?" A young boy asked, pointing to my feather.

"To make it last. To remind me of home, I am sure your parents have gifted you all something as you have grown." I said.

A little, tiny young girl bounced forward, feeling along my braids. I would normally jump at this, but they are just kids and they know little of Earth's culture.

"Your hair is pretty, mama gave me tooth!" She said, showing a necklace with a tooth hanging from the end. I knew how to handle kids, so many wanted to know of what I learned in training so a gasped appropriately, making her beam.

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