55. Accepting

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I entered the tree after sundown and found a hunting party going on. I looked around in amusement, leaning up against one of the roots under the shade of darkness, redoing my braids that I ripped apart, clipping my feather back into my hair and wrapping the band of cloth around it as I watched the Na'vi dance about. I crossed my arms lightly as I watched with amusement as I spotted Norm hilariously dancing with his own tail ridiculously. A few Na'vi were giving him funny looks and I didn't miss the word crazy being passed around in Na'vi.

I looked around, Spotting a little circle of the children dancing and laughing with Grace sitting amongst them, smiling at their bright little faces. I scanned the crowd around the bonfire till my expression fell as my eyes landed on Jake as he mimed at furious claws of Last Shadow. I turned my eyes to the hanging skull, my mind far away. I thought of the first Daughter of Eywa, she lived in a time where a Toruk Makto also roamed these lands.

I looked back at the bonfire to spot, oddly, Tsu'tey crouching next to Jake. I could tell he still hated Jake by the glare in his eyes, but I get the oddest feeling that glare isn't because of Jake being a Sky Person or a Dreamwalker. Is it because Tsu'tey sees me as a friend? I am unsure. I watched as Tsu'tey grudgingly held out a bowl full of liquid.

I smirked as I realized what was in that bowl. Ya... I am a bit of a lightweight, so I know I am never touching that stuff or else I might just babble from now till next sunday, and probably admit an embarrassing secret along the way.

I can just imagine me being too drunk and telling Tsu'tey that I love him. Ya, that will definitely go over well, pretty sure he would sock me in the face. I don't think he would kill me anymore, since I really do think he sees me as a friend. I watched in amusement and anger, and odd mix of the two, as Jake drank the stuff, eyes widening at it's affects. I could see Grace talking to him from among the children as Tsu'tey grinned in revenge before smoothing his expression as Jake look back at him.

I rolled my eyes at that, leaning down against the large root and crossing my legs to sit as I watched the people dancing and laughing, my hand running along the giant root beside me, the tingling feeling of Eywa's life force pulsing through the tree soothing me. I know now that I am tied to Eywa, and I am tied to her forever.

The rest of my short life, I will be among the Na'vi, I will be the Daughter of Eywa and do whatever it is Eywa needs me to. She read my mind and my more recent thoughts, she must know I am nearly death with every passing day. I know now that I will not be going across the stars to The Nest. That is not what is in store for me. I am tied to Eywa for the rest of my life, and what comes after. 

I don't see what's so bad about that. This is my home now, the Na'vi, Pandora, Eywa... This is my home. I wasn't too sure what fully changed my mind on that though...

My eyes landed on Tsu'tey, who was grinning and talking amongst his hunting party, passing about the bowl of whatever liquid that is. Well, maybe I do know what made me fully consider the Omaticaya my home. Something I can never have. I watched, feeling a touch of sadness fill my newfound sense of belonging.

I am unsure of how long I sat there, watching Tsu'tey talk amongst the hunters and gesture with his hands at the bigger parts of the Sturmbeest hunt, passing about large ribs of Sturmbeest meat. 

"You seem different, Hetibay." I heard suddenly, pulling my eyes away from Tsu'tey to look up at Mo'at, who approached, staring at me curiously and holding out a Sturmbeest rib. I smiled a touch, carefully accepting it and nodding my thanks as Mo'at took a seat next to me.

"I am different. The news of today made me realise that I cannot worry for a world I am no longer truly a part of. Even across the stars, The Great mother Eagle assured me my old home will not fall..." I looked down at the Sturmbeest rib, "She told me to accept and trust in Eywa, that she gave me to Eywa because she knew I would never truly be happy in TULTE. I will be thankful for that, the rest of my life. So, I accepted Eywa..." I looked up at Mo'at who looked at me with wide eyes full of hope.

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