51. Wise Words

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I sat on one of the higher branches of Hometree, grinning as I stared up at the sky, my mind calm and peaceful, not swirling with my thoughts of time, of what will happen to my friends, none of that was on my mind right now.

I am Omaticaya now. How much things have changed, I originally came to the Na'vi to learn, to find the answer to my spirit Quest, which I single mindedly raced towards, never considering the other paths life can throw at you. Now, here I am, light years away from my original home, yet the homesickness I felt everyday grow lighter and lighter with time.

I was more lost in thought of my vision, the one Eywa gave me. It was odd, seeing and feeling the minds of hundreds of different animals like I was a part of them, but yet it oddly felt... right. Such an odd thing to think, but it did.

Then there was the warrior, the warrior that was me! This avatar, dressed up so much like Na'vi that you wouldn't have even known I am an Avatar, a Dreamwalker, not of this planet. The look in that warrior's face... was like someone haunted yet determined, cold yet powerful.

The look creepily reminded me of the way Tsu'tey looked when we first met. The trials in those eyes told me enough, that one of my choices will lead to me being that warrior. I don't know when, or how, but one of those choices does change me. I don't know if I like the change. Like I felt over a month ago, I felt like something was approaching, a dark and ominous cloud hangs overhead, I can feel it. At first, I thought it was learning that death is knocking at my door and waiting for me to answer. 

But now... now I am not so sure.

I watched the stars slowly shift across the sky, knowing I should be using this time to rest my avatar, to rest my human body, but I really didn't want to come back down to reality yet, and the damage my human body is suffering will bring me back down to reality.

So here I sat, watching Polyphemus loom overhead and the sea of stars across the sky that the gas giant isn't covering. I was actually trying to name some of the constellations, see if any of them are still the same, even with Earth being so far away. I could see the The Beak, but the tip of the beak was crooked, like the star at the end had moved. Realistically I knew it was because I was seeing it from a different perspective, but it still made me sad still.

I remember sitting around the campfire after tales were told and songs were sung, when the storyteller laid back and asked us to look at the stars and see the legacy of the past, see the beauty that once was.

It was my favorite time of storytelling, looking up at those constellations and thinking of my ancestors a hundred years ago or more giving them names. My favorite was always the Light Tree, a constellation of a bunch of tightly clustered and bright stars in the vague form of a tree. I never really saw a tree in it, but I do remember looking out on it and thinking of the vibrance of those stars, way out in space, light years upon light years away...

I always hoped that, after my Spirit Quest ended, I could be a Storyteller around the campfire and awe the children of TULTE with tales of our past and what we are a part of. Looks like that is not the plan in store for me though.

I could just see the edge of the Light Tree, right around the bend of Polyphemus' atmosphere... 

"You done well." I heard Mo'at say, making me blink and look away from the stars, seeing the older Na'vi woman standing nearby, studying me. I looked back out at the stars, my inner turmoil still heavy on my heart.

"I am just doing everything I can. But what specifically are you talking about?" I said softly, not wanting to break the small bit of peace I have found away from my thoughts. I felt more than heard Mo'at sit next to me. Since accepting Eywa's words, I have found it almost unnervingly easy to sense where a person is standing, the pulse of energy tend to change around them.

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