6. Tom's Twin Brother

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I walked through the halls, blinking my eyes a bit sleepily, still drowsy from Cryosleep, my eyes are still kind of dry too, which they said would pass with time. I did my best to hide how drowsy I still am, knowing I need to keep myself alert, and watch the actions of everyone carefully. I pulled my duffel higher on my shoulder, the weight making my thin shoulder sag. I really need to eat a good meal and do some exercising, keep myself in good shape. Cryosleep did not do me any wonders.

Two mercenaries drinking coffee stopped and stared at Norm and I as we passed, Norm hardly having left my side since we left the dining hall. When we passed from their sight, I picked up some of their conversation, having learned to listen closely to all conversations in my time outside TULTE.

"...you see the size of that toothpick?" One of them said in amusement.

"Ya, looked like she would blow away in the wind, toothpick is accurate..." The other one said with a snort.

I gritted my teeth as I cooled my temper, hissing quietly in annoyance. I am a shadow, must be a shadow... I know I am odd, but really? I can hear you, I do have ears, even if one constantly rings. That is what I wanted to say. I wanted to go back and shove that truth into their gossiping faces, but I knew I couldn't. I can't allow myself to step outside the quiet background actions I must upkeep.

Human's who hold greed close will not accept me, nor my beliefs in The Great Mother Eagle, or that the Earth can be restored if we are to just try, I must stay hidden. I thought repeatedly in my head as I walked away quickly to prevent myself from going back and letting my temper get the better of me.

I noticed out of the edge of my eye that Norm is giving me a funny look. He noticed my glare and looked back at his bags once more, trying to keep the large amount of things he brought from his home from falling on the ground. I rolled my eyes when he couldn't see as he caught a falling duffel, he has to have five duffels and a backpack, along with a bag that really resembled a man purse. I frowned to myself as I looked away sharply, focusing on the hallway. No friends, no relationships. 

I looked at the signs along the walls, walking through each one and finding my way around, Norm following right behind me. The halls are packed with personnel moving about before, finally, I found the right hall to go down in this mess of many, many halls. Hell's Gate is a lot bigger than it looks, I would rather not get lost in this place, so I will do my best to memorize the beaten paths I'll be taking through this place. I am just happy the halls are gunmetal grey in this part with touches of blue stripes, made it a little less bright and painful.

As I walked, many looked at Norm struggling to hold onto his bags and then me, toothpick with a blank expression, keeping her head lowered and avoiding meeting eyes. I am sure it must be quite interesting to them, since they continued to stare as we walked on. I wasn't pleased by the looks, I am not your average female. I don't like guys checking me out, as rare as that is with my odd looks. These looks are not those of people checking me out, they are people questioning my thin form, long dark brown hair and rich dark brown eyes, pale skin, and touches of a look to my face that, if they could place it, would be touches of my Native American blood in my facial structure.

I blinked and looked at Norm as he suddenly sped up and ran past me, dropping two of his bags while squeezing between two people walking in the opposite direction. I sighed in annoyance as I reached down and picked up the bags he dropped without knowing, listening to him race ahead through the hall.

"Sorry, Excuse me." I could heard him say as I followed at a slower pace, moving around the people carefully, keeping my head lowered and lips closed on his action, not meeting the annoyed looks of a few seeing as Norm is... no, was my friend. I cannot have friends.

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