30. Time

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To say things were tense in the trailer was an understatement. I made a habit of avoiding Jake Sully like the plague now, which works since my teacher avoids him just as much as I do. In fact, I was more in the Link anymore than I was out of it, too pissed off to even be in Jake's presence.

And, the few times that I was? It was like the air was as thick with the anger and irritation. You could literally cut it with a knife and that was entirely from me. Dr. Augustine was very confused, but she knew Jake did something to piss me off. Norm knew more of the situation and was just as pissed at Jake as I was after he pieced it together. Trudy seemed completely oblivious to the tension anytime all of us were in one room. I suspected that she could feel it and was purposefully ignoring it.

Funnily enough, this much more substantial common ground made it a lot easier to get along with Tsu'tey. He stopped scowling as much, now it was mostly a neutral or blank expression. He still scowls when I mess up but he has lowered the insults.

So I guess some good came out of this.

What made it so much easier to avoid Jake Sully is the fact that Neytiri started teaching him about night tracking, so he slept most of the day and was in the link at night, opposite of my schedule.

I pulled the wood bow back and shot, cursing in Tula as I missed the tree altogether, Falrar snorting in amusement under me as he trotted off after where the arrow disappeared in the forest.

"Oh, don't you even start." I grumbled, glaring down at Falrar's neck

"Again." Tsu'tey said in boredom from where he sat on his pa'li. He looked bored too, probably because I suck at this and have attempted to shoot the same target way too many times.

"How many times have I attempted this so far? I mean, geez, I really do feel like I am insulting my ancestors right now." I grumbled, hooking the loaned bow over my shoulder as I looked at Tsu'tey trotting along beside me, staring forward with a distant look in his eyes. Wonder what is running through his mind. Most likely it is, 'Why am I stuck with this Dreamwalker again?'

"You are." Tsu'tey said boredly, not even reacting in any way to my words. Just stating a fact.

"Thanks. That just makes me feel a thousand times better." I said sarcastically. Tsu'tey turned his head to look at me, eyes narrowed in confusion. Well, at least he looked less bored and lost in thought.

"Why you say thanks for insult?" Tsu'tey asked in confusion, tilting his head a touch as a scowl began to appear between his eyebrows.

"Sarcasm, Proud Scowl, it a human concept of literally saying the exact opposite of what you really want to say." I grumbled, looking down at my hands lightly holding Falrar's antennas.

"That is confusing concept." Tsu'tey grumbled in annoyance.

"Makes me feel better." I said as I hopped off of Falrar, pulling the arrow from the root it stuck in. I checked the arrow of damage before wrapping the holder around it and putting my bow back on my back.

"You shoot on pa'li like Dumb Twig." Tsu'tey said, yet again sounding distant and lost in his thoughts. I wondered if he was thinking about killing Jake Sully's avatar. I mean, I wouldn't want to kill Tom's life's work, but I am not past beating Jake Sully up a bit.

My anger towards him has not dropped an inch since our one sided conversation. Literally one sided because I kept telling the idiot to stop talking and he ignored me.

I pulled myself up on Falrar's back, grumbling in annoyance until I heard Tsu'tey hiss. I looked at him in confusion to see him gripping his bow tight and staring into the forest. I blinked and looked in that direction, throwing out my senses. I have improved in being able to hear the beats of the trees farther distances away and I could now feel the pulses and beats on my own, not just from under Falrar's hooves. 

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