99. Hettie The Sky Person

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I came to sometime later, but not slowly or pleasantly. I woke up quickly, crying out as I gripped my leg, my whole body tense as I breathed fast, eyes clenched shut as a whimper of pain escaped me, white hot blinding pain running from my leg as I gripped my leg tightly with my hands in an effort to stifle it. I was only faintly aware of a pain filled sound that didn't come from me before I felt large fingers carefully try prying my hands away from cutting off circulation to my leg. The pain became too much for me once more and I passed out.

Slowly, at some point after that, I came to, moaning from that soreness radiating from my leg, somewhat aware of moss under me and... someone cursing in Na'vi? Tsu'tey, right, Tsu'tey is.... cursing in Na'vi? I slowly blinked my eyes open, heavily disoriented as I looked around to see... only Tsu'tey. I frowned in worry as I saw him pacing agitatedly, hands clenched in obvious anger at his sides as he stomped back and forth, mumbling angrily under his breath.

"Tsu'..." I coughed over my dry throat, trying once more to speak, "Tsu'tey?" I croaked, staring at him in confusion as he looked at me warily while I stared at him in worried confusion. He didn't walk over and seemed to want to keep his distance from me as I winced, rolling over on the moss to face him better. I didn't miss his hands clenching tighter, like he wanted to help me but he didn't move as I frowned at him.

"What's wrong?" I croaked, glancing around for my water bottle before unhooking it from my belt loop, glancing up at Tsu'tey once more as he looked at me with anger that wasn't directed at me. No... I observed him closer, my mind piecing together fragments of a pain filled memory, realizing what must have happened.

Damnit... I never should have fallen asleep. Clearly, in an attempt to carefully place me on the moss, Tsu'tey accidentally shifted my leg without knowing, causing my half asleep body to respond to the pain. I winced in guilt as I remembered crying out and whimpering, as well as my hands clenching tightly upon my leg. That explains the soreness, but now I am worried for Tsu'tey. I could see the guilt hidden behind his anger... at himself.

I didn't know what to do, so I just carefully sat up, holding out my hand to Tsu'tey. He didn't move, his hands clenched at his sides.

"Tsu'tey..." I didn't know what to say. I couldn't tell him I am fine, he knows that much now, and I couldn't lie to him and tell him that moving doesn't hurt. I knew though that I needed to wipe that guilt hidden in his eyes.

I summoned a bit of the sternness I have in my avatar, though I felt like it was a weak impersonation of what I normally can do.

"Tsu'tey, come here." I said in a stern tone, but it was weak and croaky due to my dry throat. Tsu'tey continued to scowl and glare, but I could see it was not towards me. He wasn't angry with himself for causing me pain. I looked up and summoned a glare, trying my hardest to show the same way I usually get Tsu'tey to respond to one of my requests.

"Proud Scowl, come here." I said again. Tsu'tey's scowl broke a little as he slowly walked forward. I frowned as he sat down a small distance away from me and summoned my courage as I pulled myself along the ground towards him, Tsu'tey releasing a worried sound, reaching out for me but I glared at him weakly as I came to a stop right in front of him, staring up at him as I tried to told onto my courage. In his arms I feel a bit taller and more like I would in my avatar, but now I feel very tiny.

Still, I reached out and laid my hand on top of his resting on his knee, ignoring the sharp bites coming from my leg stretched out beside me from the awkward way I am sitting in front of him. My pale hand looked so small over his own, but I was determined.

"Tsu'tey, please don't beat yourself up over this, you didn't know and..." I closed my eyes, struggling for a moment, knowing what I would have to admit to help him get over his guilt, "I have put in quite the effort to hide it from you." I said quietly, taking a deep breath, "So I am sorry you had to see that." I said sadly, glancing up at his face to see his eyes locked on my hand, his face carefully blank. Yet, I didn't miss the small moment of great pain flash through his eyes, tugging at my heart painfully.

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