56. The Tree of Voices

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I laughed as Falrar came to a stop by the cliff Tsu'tey showed me so long ago. I looked over, hair windblown, to see Tsu'tey smirking a touch at my bright expression. I stared, once again seeing that... softness in his yellow eyes that I only saw once before, on the ledge overlooking The Tree of Souls.

I forced myself to look away, not wanting to get drawn in like I did before, laughing to break the sudden tension in the air before sighing happily as I jumped off of Falrar's back, patting his side.

"I needed a ride out, a lot has happened recently." I said, looking up from patting Falrar's side as Tsu'tey looked at me, grinning.

"I know, that why I ask to join ride." Tsu'tey said as I disconnected my queue from Falrar's, walking over to the cliff and sitting right on the edge, my feet hanging over, my fear long gone. I have other things to fear now than falling. Tsu'tey really helped me face that fear.

But no one can help me face the buried fear of dying.

I stared out at the slowly dropping sun, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, smiling at the feeling of Eywa all around me before I opened my eyes and looked to the side, jumping as I found Tsu'tey way into my bubble, his eyes narrowed as he studied me. I leaned away from him, eyes wide.

"Erm.... are you alright?" I asked, confused, staring at him as he studied me with narrowed eyes and didn't say anything for a long while. I looked away, glancing at him once to see if he stopped before focusing on the sunset.

"You not seem worried, or sad, at words of Jake other day. Why?" Tsu'tey asked, eyes still narrowed as he studied me. I glanced at him and away, confused my Tsu'tey's actions.

"Ummm... I received an answer and I am now at peace with it? I know I can't help everything that happens around me, I can only try. But I know they will be alright." I said with a smile as I watched the sun drop lower.

"How you know?" He asked, eyes still narrowed.

"I received an answer from The Great Mother Eagle. I can't help what happens on another world, far away from here. I just have to trust that she will know what to do for them." I said, watching the sun, feeling his eyes burn into the side of my head.

"You speak like you no go home once time here done." Tsu'tey said, an undercurrent to his words I couldn't decipher. 

I looked at him and then back at the sun, trying to think of the best reply to his question

"I found my home here, not out there." I said simply, skirting around the truth. I refuse to lie to the Na'vi. I especially refuse to lie to Tsu'tey, I can't tell him I physically cannot leave for Earth, I wouldn't survive the trip. I also cannot tell him of my slowly encroaching death.

I could feel him watching me closely still.

"Then why you seem down?" Tsu'tey continued, making me look at him with wide, confused eyes. Down? I have been doing a good job of enjoying the time I have left, pushing my pains, my problems, and my fears to the back of my mind. Also, how did he of all people discover that? He seems to be the most unobservant person I have ever met. 

"Down? why you say that? I mean, I finally got to become one of The People, I get to teach the children of old tales of my ancestors, and I get to be a part of this world." I said, gesturing to the view, "So why would I be down?" I asked, looking at Tsu'tey, meeting his narrowed eyes, which narrowed even more as he leaned in slightly, making me back up again, eyes wide.

He scoffed and leaned away, looking out over the trees and cliff, crossing his arms as he scowled, "I wish you tell truth, you be hiding something, I know, I see it in eyes." Tsu'tey said, looking at me with a glare.

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