Additional Facts and Interesting Points

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Okay, so this isn't a chapter. Nope. In this I am going to fill in some of the unknown facts first, and then talk about the large amount of plot lines I thought about doing and then decided not to, as well as show you a little something cool at the end :D

Hidden secrets of The Will of Two Worlds:

-Hettie's name is sounded out as Hyt-tea, it is actually a German name, though I searched through a lot of Native American names for my character. Tsu'tey pronounces it Het-tee due to his Na'vi accent, just as Hettie pronounces his name Tee-su-teyy due to her Tula accent, instead of Sue-tey as his name actually sounds like.

-The Atokirina that directed Heti to Tsu'tey was actually the spirit of Grace, which is why Heti heard nothing from Eywa to find Tsu'tey.

-Tsu'tey realized his change in feelings for Heti back just before her Hunt and went off with the hunters to try and figure out why before giving up on trying to figure it out and just accepted it.

-Heti can sense Eywa in her human body, but only one a subtle level, because she was chosen at birth, not when her avatar was born.

-Heti didn't loose her mind because she had already faced many points in her life that could have made her loose it, strengthening her soul over time.

-Tsu'tey never asked Heti about being a Daughter of Eywa because Tsu'tey is more quiet and observant. While Heti was unaware, he often watched her out of curiosity when she was in the clearing.

-Hettie is seen as the hope of TULTE for being the last and youngest Spirit Quest member, but before that, due to her parents standing in TULTE, she was set to become The Elder of Plankton Plantations apprentice.

-Hettie's mother was full blooded Navajo, which is rare in the 22nd century.

-Hettie's mother died to Black Lung, which is a problem in 2154 from breathing in a lot of pollution, which causes Pneumonia.

-Hettie's father left for battle and was assumed dead as no body was ever found on the decimated battlefield due to the opposing side launching several missiles. Several hundred TULTE soldiers were never found.

-Solros hunts and eats Stingbats and, as Stingbats are poisonous, and only his kind can process their bodies, it makes the White Foot somewhat immune to a Thanator's poisonous bite.

-Heti can see the outline of every plant and animal still, but she had grown so used to that being a part of her sight she stopped thinking about it.

-Tsu'tey basically said to Nav'il in the Kekunan village that if she even tried to attack Heti, Tsu'tey would throw her off the floating mountain. I wanted to put this into words but decided I like keeping Heti clueless for a bit longer.

-Aw'anyi knew of Heti being on Pandora the minute the Shuttle settled down and Heti stepped foot on Pandora because of her clan's attuned connection to Eywa. 

-The first Daughter of Eywa went insane and was never found after Eywa directed her away into the jungles.

-Ca'lil saw Heti as her hope because of the stories Heti told of the battles of her people on Earth, so Ca'lil thought Heti to have been a part of them and a strong protector.

-Mo'at saw Tsu'tey and Heti being together as inevitable after the battle and seeing Heti break down before returning with an injured Tsu'tey.

-Heti is the first in known Na'vi history to be able to grow trees or heal dying ones. In KNOWN history, a little hint there lol.

-Tsu'tey is not at all bothered by Heti's Sky Person body because her eyes are still as open and expressive as ever, even though she looks different.

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