79. Broken Trust

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I opened my eyes slowly in my avatar, exhaustion felt in every inch of my body as it resisted waking up. While 10 hours would normally be an okay amount of sleep, I had gone two days without a wink of sleep. Before hopping in the Link, I peeked in the other Trailer and found Trudy and Norm still sleeping, Jake in the Link. I heard he stopped momentarily here at The Tree of Souls before they flew off to gather more of the horse clans of the plains.

I looked down to see Ca'lil still in my arms, but wide awake and watching me closely as I looked down at her with half awake eyes.

"...Morning, Ca'lil." I said, the little girl frowning at me.

"You very still in sleep, it scary." Ca'lil said, studying me with a frown. I bit my lip as I tried to think of a way to explain it to her, because clearly my words didn't make sense to her last night and decided maybe it's best I don't try to explain.

"That's just how I sleep." I said, deciding that wasn't a lie but it really wasn't the truth either ass I stood, placing Ca'lil down on her feet as I crouched and met her in the eye. "Now, I have work I need to do, Ca'lil, so stay with the other children for me, would you? Don't come looking for me, I don't want you getting lost in these growing crowds of Na'vi." I said, feeling weird as I gave Ca'lil a stern look. I felt like I shouldn't be doing this, because I am not the child's mother nor am I really her sister. I am the alien she has taken a liking to and I like her too, so I really don't know what to do with the relationship she has formed with me.

She looked down before looking up at me with worry, "Alright, I won't go look for you." She said. I smiled, my heart warmed by the innocent worry in her eyes as I hugged her, sighing as I shoulders relaxed. She has recently become the balm to my stressed and worried soul and I am grateful.

I pulled back and patted her shoulder.

"Now, go hang out with the children." I said as I stood, making sure she went in their direction before turning to make my way up the Caldera. There were even more Na'vi, ikran, and pa'li present than there was the day before, entire caravans of Pa'li riders were thundering in, so many of them the ground seemed to shake. Ikran were flying left right and center in the skies. I was glad to note each clan bought enough food to sustain them from their own village or else we might kill off everything edible in the area with these numbers. I walked around the legde of the thousands of pa'li marching in and back up to the top of the Caldera, where I found the Tawkami and Kekunan working together on arrows. I was surprised to see they made arrows out of bone, tougher than wood, and would definitely stick even if they accidentally hit metal. There were separate little stacks of these arrows everywhere I looked, making me grin with hope.

Enough of these handed around and we could turn the tide of the battle.

"Hetibay, good to see you once more. I trust that you little friend is doing better?" Aw'anyi asked as I walked over.

"She struggles with loss, I know what it is like to experience that at a young age. But yes, she is doing better." I said, picking up and examining an arrow, surprised at the craftsmanship.

"Good to hear she has someone such as you in her life. Your pure heart is why Eywa chose you and the little one is very lucky to have that pure love shared." Aw'anyi said, making me look at her with wide eyes.

"I think you are a bit off there, I have messed up before, and before I set foot here on these lands I have little care for anything other than my mission." I said as I studied the string on the tip of the arrow to avoid meeting her eyes.

"You are no longer the same person who first set foot here, Hetibay, you are Daughter of Eywa now. Eywa only chooses the purest of hearts to be her guiding voice on the land, if she did not see something pure in you, you never would have come this far. She has guided you more than previous Daughter of Eywa, which mean something in your soul resonates with a pureness that other Daughter of Eywa did not have. A pure heart and soul can hurt, Hetibay, but one must never lose something so strong. Trust in that, Daughter of Eywa, doubt will do nothing more than drag you down." She said, holding out a bundle of green and yellow fletching arrows.

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