74. Take Flight

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I ran my hand along the Toruk's fin once more, shocked she was letting me do so, as I turned my attention to the Olo'eyktan of the Kekunan, tilting my head towards Toruk as she show me what bothers her and why she suddenly arrived in this area to hunt. I was surprised and sadened to learn her mate had died fighting a rival Toruk who was stronger. The rival Toruk would kill off her hatchlings as they are the hatchlings of her mate before forcing her to mate with him.

It's a sad process, yes, and I remember we had to stop it from happening many times before in Tulte to keep up the numbers of Eagles and other animals, or else they might go extinct fighting each other for dominance. I do not judge the Toruk for protecting her hatchlings, as is a natural instinct. So she flew them into the mountains and I began to see the problem.

"Toruk has three hatchlings and her mate is long dead. She flew them here from mountains to the north to avoid rival Toruk, but the jeorney didn't do them any good. The hatchlings are sick, they eat only rarely and are struggling because of the change and her not having a mate to help feed them, that is why she hunts your lands so much." I said, nodding to Toruk as she rumbled happily.

The Olo'eyktan looked at the younger woman at his side, who was staring at me in shock, her eyes wide. She was the same Na'vi woman who nearly tried to attack me and I sensed more than saw Tsu'tey tense behind me. I really hope a decision is made soon because it is getting increasingly difficult to cling onto my sanity the longer I maintain this odd connection yet not connection with Toruk.

She straightened her expression and looked to me, her face clearly determined as she said something quickly in their rough language. Clearly she has no idea what I have been saying and asked her Olo'eyktan for a translation. He spoke quickly, telling her what I said in their language. She looked at me and Toruk before quickly speaking, the Olo'eyktan smiled happily.

"She ask what be wrong with hatchlings of Toruk, so she can help by putting treatment inside Sturmbeest." He said, gesturing to the stinky meal Toruk was sitting on. I relayed what I was told to Toruk, who brightened considerably, quickly telling me what is wrong. Being a Field Medic myself and knowing a bit about illnesses in animals, I immediately recognized what she was describing.

"They are...." I frowned, looked at Tsu'tey as I didn't know the word, "malnourished and dehydrated?" I asked him, he looked at me and nodded, saying the strange sounding words in Na'vi, which sound more like four or five words instead of two. The woman looked to Tsu'tey and then me, nodding and running off for the village at a fast pace. I looked back at the Olo'eyktan who grinned at Toruk.

"Nav'il be my daughter, she learning to be future Tsahik, she has herbs to help Toruk hatchlings eat." Olo'eyktan of the Kekunan said before studying me. I stiffened under his scrutiny, but also due to the fact that I am dealing with a feeling like my head is being ripped in two and it isn't pleasant. So many instincts and actions of plants, of animals in this thick jungle call and sing to me, beckoning that.... that hideous part of myself to the surface, to take over. Much like Toruk, animals run on instincts and don't understand as much on emotions, even Toruk is unknowingly beckoning me to give into my instincts.

I know better than to do so, though.

"You prove yourself worthy in way I only heard in songs, you truly are a Daughter of Eywa. Yet I never heard tales of Daughter of Eywa finding way to speak with Toruk without bond." He said, staring at me interestedly. "Eywa must have place you here for great purpose, Daughter of Eywa." He continued as I didn't react before smiling a touch. My head was pounding like crazy and I was wavering on the line for both being present and not being present at all. It was all so overwhelming, trying to cling to that fine line was like trying to balance on a tightrope. It was a constant fight to even be able to hear those around me.

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