20. Grumpy Na'vi

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I followed Tsu'tey out from under the protection of the giant tree's roots, looking around at the area that has less overgrowth, and the ground is clearly beaten often by hooves. Inside this nook of trees are a least 20 or so Direhorses. I studied the Direhorses in the better light than the darkness of last night, awed by the magnificent creatures they are. Their heads are thin and long, reminding me much of the extinct anteater, with a long mane like frill from the back of their head to their second set of shoulders. Six legs and six hooves pranced lightly on the ground in an almost hypnotic kind of way. Two long antenna run from the sides of their anteater shaped snouts to a little beyond their second set of shoulders. And two long thin line of breathing holes can be seen on their chest. Oddly, for a creature of Pandora, they have only one set of eyes, which are tiny and make me think of the eyes I see in goats.

All of them varied a little in color. Some for a light brown, almost tan, with pale blue running down their backs, their frill like mane, and part of their snout. Some have more vibrant blue, some the tan is nearly white. Others have stripes of light running through the blue on their backs, some are even different colors, I noticed a few with a pale touch of purple or pink colorations under their bellies. But each of them have antenna that ended in the same color, a leaf like curved shape that is red, almost orange. Each of them have a woven leather triangle over their snout, right up against the sharp curve of the frill on their necks, the leather wrapped around behind their antenna and a hook could be seen in the triangle of leather, clearly to function as a lead and direct the Direhorses.

Tsu'tey walked at such a quick pace it is a difficulty keeping up with him, which is shocking considering how I have long legs and can usually walk faster than most. I am practically having to jog over the uncomfortable ground to keep up with him. He didn't even look back once to see if I am following, though his ear, which has a perfect curved cut out of it, leaving me to wonder what caused that, kept flicking back, clearly listening to insure I am following. But it is very clear, so clear he's practically shouting it to every Na'vi in the vicinity, that he wants absolutely nothing to do with me...

So why is he still here instead of abandoning me at the base of the tree? I don't know, and I am left wondering what Eytukan and Mo'at asked of him once more.

All I know is the feeling is now very much mutual, I want nothing to do with him either if he's constantly going to be treating me like this. I get it, he hates humans, but have I given him any reason to hate me? No. And he clearly does, which is only worsening my mood. My mood is already low from the insults to my culture, and he way he acted towards what diverses me from the other humans he's seen before.

He continued into this clearing full of Direhorses as I looked around, seeing young Na'vi pouring fresh water into stone bowls placed around that the Direhorses are drinking a bit from... but I also noticed a ton of strange... I would say they are flowers. These flower are about half my height, long, and thin. The flower itself is like a deep cup, in colors of yellow and orange, the flower is kind of see through, so you can see most of them are pretty full of some green stuff inside, and a lot of the Direhorses are using their long tongues to drink from the flowers, reminding me of the painted image of a frog a little, or the recording I saw on TV of a Hummingbird. The Na'vi about are watering the flowers too with bowls filled with water, some carried baskets on top of their heads full of rich soil they patted down around the plants to keep them healthy.

I looked up as Tsu'tey immediately made his way towards one of the larger Direhorses that already has a saddle on it's back, some of the leather of the saddle painted in red, sort of like those weird hanging braids he's got. I'm guessing this is his Direhorse, as the Direhorse in question stomped it's front hooves and snorted, shaking it's head. I watched curiously as Tsu'tey reached out and ran a hand down the Direhorse's snout as the Direhorse turned one of it's antenna towards Tsu'tey. My eyes widened as he reached out with his Queue braid and bonded with the Direhorse. Huh. So Na'vi bond with their Direhorses? I thought they more used their Queue braid for bonding with the trees in that unknown mystical way.

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