59. The Lit Fire

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I watched Etukan stand back from speaking with Tsu'tey in rapid fire Na'vi. Now, normally, I might be able to somewhat understand what is being said, but with my concussion I couldn't stand a word of their conversation, plus they are a distance away.

I was honestly torn, torn on what is right and what is wrong. Quaritch won't stop, he is exactly like the type of people out to destroy my county back at my old home, but worse. Quaritch, from what I have heard of the man, is so determined in his mission that I do believe he might be a bit insane. He isn't stupid though, that much I have seen. No, he is extremely smart, which makes this situation all the worse.

I don't know what his plan is, but I know from what I have heard the RDA set up here for Unobtanium. Unobtanium is rare even here on Pandora. I get the sneaking, nasty suspicion that the reason Quaritch is gunning for Hometree is because the tree sits on a large deposit.

I don't know what to do, what is best. The Na'vi will never leave their home and I wouldn't want to ask them to. Sky People are the invaders and they will continuously push the Na'vi back and back, until nothing can be done. And Sky People never give up on any inch of land they take until it's striped of everything useful to them. Till it's barren, useless.

I was also... scared. Scared for my Na'vi friends, scared for my human friends, scared for Eywa...

There are no good answers in war.

I closed my eyes in resignation to that fact. My father said those exact words to me as he kissed my forehead before putting the candle out beside my bed and leaving for war... and never coming back.

"Hettie, in the world we live, there will always be pain, be sadness. The Great Mother Eagle can never repair that. People die, even those close to us. It is what we choose to do in their name that gives us purpose." The Elder of Plankton Plantations said to me as he patted my head while I held my mother's weak, frail hand.

I gritted my teeth, breathing slowly in a fight against the painful memories.

"Live, pumpkin, live and make the world a better place. For me, for your father, please, live." My mother wheezed out in her final words before she lost her voice and passed a few hours later...

I clenched my hands, my teeth still gritted as I looked at the ground, feeling both physical and mental pain. I so rarely thought of my parents. Other things needed my attention more, first it was my training to be a Spirit Quest member, then it was training to be a Field Medic, then it was Avatar Training, then learning to become one of The People.

I so rarely had any down time to even remember my mothers soft dark hair, or my fathers sad but proud sparkling blue eyes. I hardly remember much of their faces, even the actual sound of their voices has long since faded in my memory to whispers. 

"Tsu'tey will lead the war party!" Eytukan called out loudly in Na'vi as Tsu'tey proudly stepped forward, raising his bow above his head as the Na'vi around me let out cries in their eager reply for pushing the Sky People back. I remained silent, standing there, just watching.

In all honesty my head was beginning to pound once more, I had done well till now of ignoring the pain, but it is clearly stating it won't let me ignore it much longer.

"Please- this will only make it worse! Hettie, back me up!" Grace said as the Na'vi parted, looks of enraged anger directed at Grace as she held a hand out pleadingly to me. I stared for but a moment in sadness before looking down, not replying to Grace's words. I cannot stop the Na'vi, I cannot stop Quaritch.

There are no good answers in war.

I heard a few sounds of approval from the Na'vi, even from those that have grown to not like me.

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