49. Getting To Know Neytiri

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I opened my eyes in my avatar form, glad to be well rested and feeling minutely better in my human form. Yesterday I made sure keep up nibbling on some food so as to not worsen my condition, I drank plenty of water and slept probably the entire rest of the day after Trudy left. Even my avatar form is well rested, my leg feeling ten times better.

I opened my hammock and sat up, gently peeling back the bandages around my leg and was glad to see the swelling had gone way down and the wound is scabbed over, so the bandages were no longer needed. I hopped up onto the branch and made my way down through the tree, many smiling gesturing in the typical 'I See You' method of Hello. I returned it a few times as I reached the bottom of the tree and walked to the little clearing.

I later learned that this clearing was originally used for washing objects and baths before the Na'vi made a better one on the other side of the tree. I am still not much of a fan of showing off more skin than I have to so I have been bathing here when I have to. I dipped my leg in and carefully scrubbed the gel away, revealing the purple bruised skin and the scabbed over cut.

At least I can walk on it well. Running? That might have to wait a while longer.

Once my skin was clean, I took a sip from the water and stood, just listening to the forest for a time. I am excited, the omaticaya decided that I am ready to become one of The People. I know Eytukan makes the final decision, so my work of the day before yesterday must have convinced him in some way.

I don't know the leader of the Omaticaya well, in fact I haven't spoken a word to him since arriving here at Hometree when he tried to have me killed before Mo'at stepped in. I really have a lot to thank Mo'at for, if I didn't have the Omaticaya to learn from I would most likely be dead my Quaritch's hands. Or die alone and cut off from the world due to Cyrosickness.

Now, after all these years, I have something truly worth living for, fighting for. A home. TULTE will always hold a place in my heart, but I knew when I started my Spirit Quest that I would never likely return, and if I did I would be old and withered. No, here among the Omaticaya, I feel like I have found the place my soul belongs.

And now I get to become one of them.

It's a cruel twist of fate to know I will not get to keep my true home for much longer, a year if I am lucky. but I also know that fate works in mysterious ways. I don't know what the future brings for me, I don't know how this will all end.

But I know there is still one small piece left unsolved of my Spirit Quest, of the vision I received from The Great mother Eagle.

The two twin boys.

Somehow I get the feeling I won't be meeting these two young Na'vi anytime soon, maybe I will meet them shortly before I die? So maybe a year from now? Somehow that doesn't feel right either.

I don't know when, I don't know how, but I know enough to trust what The Great Mother Eagle showed me. Her Spirit visions have yet to be wrong. And that is all I can trust of what the future might bring at this time.

I took a deep breath and let it out, opening my eyes and smiling, excited.

I am ready to join The Omaticaya, as one of them. My TULTE past is just that, my past, there is nothing more I can do for the people I was once a part of. Now, now I must help those I am becoming a part of.


I looked up from the firepit as Neytiri walked in, smiling and holding two small buckets of white paint. I looked at her curiously and smiled as she set the buckets down.

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