63. Alone

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I gasped awake, coughing on air as I breathed deeply, blinking. My head ached like some vital connection was suddenly ripped away, my breathing stuttering for a moment till I found my rhythm. I blinked several times, staring up in confusion at the darkness.

Where am I?

I heard several beeping sounds, which told me I definitely am not in my avatar body. I felt along with weak, frail hands, more confirming for the fact that I am not in my avatar body. I could feel the metal brace, I even felt the gel of The Link Chamber, but there is no light.

I took a deep breath, my weak hands finally finding the latch and pulling on it. Only, the overhang did not go up. I frowned, yanking with all my strength.


I gritted my teeth as I threw what little strength I had left into manually pushing up the lid, grunting in pain under the heavy weight of the metal. Finally, I saw light.

I stared, confused at the yellow lights instead of red. Hadn't I seen this before? I looked around the dim trailer, frowning at the fridge light that is out and the computer was down. I turned in the Link bed and stared up at the blank Link Chamber computer. Slowly, I threw my feet over the bed and stood, wincing a touch as I stumbled to the screen by the door, clicking on it to try to bring it up.

It made a loud, angry beeping sound at me, the screen lighting up yellow and black, giant red letters displayed.

'Main Solar Power disabled, running on backup power.'

I frowned even more at that, squinting my eyes as I tried to remember Grace's words in this situation before clicking the 'Backup Power' button.

'Backup Emergency Power = 97%' I frowned as I watched it suddenly tick down to 96%. I looked out the window in confusion, seeing the sunlight raining down on the floating mountain base, a bush in the distance dancing in the wind and sun. I looked back at the screen, hitting the back button as I looked through the options in confusion.

This trained runs on solar energy, so shouldn't there be a button to check that? Panels? It might be panels, so I clicked that option.

'Panels disabled from Remote Override Source.'

I frowned at that, unsure what in the world that means but doesn't override mean like a piece of paper being overwritten? And remote... that means distant? So a distant source turned off  the Solar Panels?

My eyes widened in horror as I clicked the next button on the screen and, suddenly, a image from a camera appeared, a terrifyingly familiar face displayed, grey short cut hair, stern, angry face and three claw scars running from the back of his head down the side of his cheek.


"Now, you Tree Hugging son of a gun, you have been quite lucky to dodge us so far. I bet those Tree Hugging Na'vi smuggled you away and stole this trailer. Shouldn't be surprised, you Tree Huggers all stick together like scum. So enjoy your last 24 hours of air. I had a specialist in technology hack your systems and disable the Solar Panels after you destroyed two of my Bulldozers. Yes, I know it was you. By the time you receive this, the emergency power will have kicked on and you will be running on backup power. I am explaining all of this so you know just how screwed you are, no doubt you are as dumb about technology as a rock. You can't turn the Solar Panels back on and the door is externally locked." Quaritch said, a creepy, clearly insane grin spreading across his face.

"You Tree Huggers never learn, money matters more than damn Deities or trees. So I will give you 24 hours to see just how useless you are before you suffocate. Maybe, once your Na'vi lovers are all dead, we can find your dead carcass in a trailer and send that image as well along to Tulte. Hated knowing you, Tulte scum." Quaritch said before the screen went black.

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