9. First Test

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I blinked my eyes open tiredly, shoulders slumped with exhaustion and disgusting algae jerky bar in hand, not even unwrapped. I just picked it up, with a cup of their awful coffee, and made for the Link Room. I sipped the caffeinated dark water they called 'Coffee'. Clearly Coffee is above the RDA's pay grade for Pandora missions. My hair is sloppily done up, as my eyes were bleary even after I threw cold water into my face twice. At least I got the shower in, though the shower system for Hell's Gate is cold or lukewarm water, and the water itself don't smell too pleasant either. At least the shop smells okay. I put my eagle feather in my pocket instead of my hair today. I have a plan for that, to ask that the feather be given to me when I am in my avatar form. In my avatar I can hide the feather far better in that longer, thicker hair. Also, if Dr. Augustine wants the Na'vi, the Omaticaya, to see me differently then why not add a touch more? What human's these day's wear animal feathers? Only TULTE citizens.

I trudged through the halls, Field Medic coat on, black plain shirt and a pair of crops with my combat boots. I ain't here to make a fashion statement so people can judge my clothing choices all they want. I just wanted to get the day rolling and hope I wake up in the process.

I sipped from the metal RDA mug for coffee, grossed out by the taste of this caffeinated dark water that definitely is not coffee, but I need the energy. My people drank tea mixed with other things to raise energy. This stuff tastes like if water is mixed with tar, if I knew what tar tasted like, but I am pretty disgusted by all food and drink choices on Hell's Gate so far, they all are disgusting to me. I continued to drink this not Coffee though, nose wrinkling after every sip.

"Hey, Hey! Hettie!" I heard Norm calling. I grumbled tiredly, I am the worst morning person there ever is today, if only I could have fallen back asleep last night... Isn't the first time recently my sleep has been lacking... or is it recently since the 'recently' was five years ago which feels like a week ago? I looked grumpily up at Norm as he came to a stop at my side, looking at me with wide eyes. I know I look like crap, so I am not surprised at his reaction.

"Er... you okay?" He tried to say politely instead of saying I look like crap, which I do. In any other mood I would be grateful he's trying to be polite... but I am in a horrible mood from lack of sleep. So I don't feel grateful at all for him being polite.

"Bad night's sleep." I grumbled tiredly as I looked down at my coffee, drinking down more of the gross flavored coffee.

"Oh, where are you going, by the way? I was hoping someone could hold my cards as I did my best to remember the different flora and fauna on Pandora. I didn't think you would mind, you have done so in the past to learn with me. I want to make a good impression on Dr. Augustine that I can do my work well." Norm said at a fast rate, full on 'Nerd Mode'. I sighed tiredly, hardly keeping up with his fast paced rambling, Norm sometimes seems to speak faster than he himself can keep up with.

"Sorry, Norm, but my Avatar is getting released..." I looked at the holographic clock on the wall, "Right now in fact, I'm doing my test drive before you and Jake do. I'm supposed to be there on time." I said lowly, putting the empty coffee cup in one of the bins for them where they are cleaned and put back in the kitchen for the next person.

"Oh, why? Are they studying your Avatar's unique... hair?" He asked curiously, following me on my way to the Link Rooms. I am not surprised Norm knew about my Avatar's strange hair, Tom and I spoke about it a lot... I have to stop thinking about Tom...

"I think so." I said simply, not really confirming or denying anything. It's one way I kept Norm in the dark on where I come from... I hate doing that to him but the less people who know, the better in the long run for me.

"Well, enjoy your first test drive!" He called as he turned off in the opposite direction down another hall, pushing through people who glared at him. I rolled my eyes and walked on, eating my nasty jerky bar now that I have finished the disgusting coffee. Finally, I reached the Link Room as I threw away the wrapper from the jerky algae bar before stepping into the Link Room.

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