38. Bonding with Solros

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I probably had the biggest stupid smile on my face right now. The air blew through my hair, probably unraveling some of my braids. I closed my eyes with my arm still raised. Solros was ecstatic. Crazily enough, he had been following me. Shocked me to death when he showed the first memory of spotting me.

It was my second day in my avatar, when I spoke to the Nantang. I was shocked to see how close to base this White Foot got without being detected. He seems to being a very curious creature, and he was flying over when he became curious about us avatars. Then, he began to follow my avatar whenever he could, following the Samson, then watching me from afar in Hometree. I was even shocked to see that the day I was terrified of falling, Solros was just below in the brush, planning to catch me so he could keep watching me.

He even knew Tsu'tey and I spotted him not too long ago, but, being a more skittish creature, he wasn't yet ready to introduce himself. But, he likes me, in an odd friendish sort of older brother way. When he saw us heading for the Hallelujah Mountains, he followed, curious about this as well. Then, when he noticed we were picking our ikran's, he decided to step in, because he didn't want to sit and watch from afar anymore.

Wow, Solros reminds me a lot of myself, kind of creepy. I shifted on his back, getting comfortable as I found places to place my feet above his air holes, which are much larger than those I see on ikran, then again, Solros is built for speed and speed requires more air. I dropped my hands from feeling the air, carefully grabbing onto his antenna and doing my best to keep my head up more so I didn't head butt his fin running up his head.

I might need to think of another way to sit when riding on Solros' back. The wind under his wings blasted in my ears like the strikes of thunder, it was so loud to me. I looked back out of curiosity to see his large tail fin hardly moved and, when he so much as made a turn, the tail just barely flicked in the direction he planned to go.

Ah, now I see. Solros makes turns and can stop on a dime so well because of his tail tin. Definitely makes sense now on how he nearly flung me off his back more than ten times in that whole terrifying flight. So Solros can make extremely tight turns, I have a feeling they can be even more nauseating than some of the ones he made when trying to knock me off.

Solros made a... laughing roar? He wasn't really trying to knock me off, he wanted to see just how strong I was, to see for himself that the curiosity he followed all this time really was strong. I blinked at that. Oh geez, now I really don't want to know how fast he can turn.

I felt a rising sense of amusement from him.

"Solros...." I began to say in worry, before, while flying along, we were suddenly facing the other direction. I let go of one his antenna and held my hand up to my face, coughing down the need to puke.

I then heard laughter next to me a peeked an eye open to see Neytiri flying nearby, Jake on the other side of her ikran, riding his.

"I impressed, you no puke!" Neytiri called. I still had a hand over my mouth.

"I'm more shocked that a White Foot chose me!" I said, yelping as Solros took off in a steep dive. I grabbed onto his antenna again, struggling to adjust myself on his back so I don't face plant the very tough fin on the top of his head. I could feel amusement from Solros once more.

"This isn't funny." I told the White Foot, but secretly I was smiling.

Yes, I believe I can get the hang of this.


I carefully landed Solros on the rock, beside Tsu'tey. He was looking out at the others flying around on their ikrans. I came to the realization that i have never seen Tsu'tey's ikran.

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