50. Becoming One of The People

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I stared into the fire pit for a long while before I felt a set of eyes on me and looked up. Tsu'tey stood in the entryway, typical scowl in place, but yet I get the sense that he is amused by something.

"Just so you know, I tried telling her she didn't have to go find you, but I am quickly discovering that none of you take no as an answer." I said to break the silence. Tsu'tey's scowl faded, a smirk of amusement rising to his face as I watched.

"Neytiri never take no as an answer." Tsu'tey said in amusement. I rolled my eyes.

"She definitely got that from Mo'at, she doesn't take no for an answer either." I said aloud, though I thought in the back of my head that I am glad Mo'at doesn't take no for an answer, or else Tsu'tey wouldn't have become my teacher and I wouldn't have got the chance to know, however briefly, the complex person he is.

I looked back to the fire, nervous and unsure of what to say. I really don't think Tsu'tey would have gotten me some sort of gift for completing my training and I honestly didn't know what to say. I looked up again as I heard Tsu'tey step into the room, studying me with that same intent look I have been getting from him sense my discovery of how long I have left to live.

I know how I am acting has changed, I am less focused on the past or the future, more focused on here and right now. I don't want to look back and miss what I can never have again, and I don't want to look forward and see how little time I have left to enjoy life. I am living more in the moments, enjoying everything I can and less blocking myself off from the world.

Mostly being away from humanity for so long has helped that. The fact that I won't be returning to the world built around my old home is what truly made me drop those self enforced walls, the ones I used to protect myself from the rest of humanity, who would love nothing more than to get rid of my 'Tree Hugging' country.

But knowing the end of my life could be around the bend made everything seem so much sweeter, so much brighter and more filled with life. I am saddened by all I will lose... but I know I will get to see all those I have lost over my life. Maybe I will even get to see Tom once more...

It no longer aches to think of his name, I no longer feel the cold claws latching onto my heart as I remembered his smiles and funny little facts. I may have felt some sort of love for Tom, but it never got the chance to grow. I glanced at Tsu'tey, who was watching the fire interestedly as he leaned against a wooden pillar, twirling an object in his hand that I couldn't see well in the lighting.

I know though, in my heart, that what I feel for Tsu'tey as a hundred times stronger than what I felt for Tom Sully. It honestly terrified me, the realisation of how far I would go and how much I would give up for Tsu'tey. The fact that we just barely got past him hating my guts made this love I feel very one sided. But I'm fine with that, I don't want Tsu'tey to grow attached to me, because I don't want him to have a repeat of the pain he felt when Sylwanin died. 

I like to imagine that my death won't hurt him too much with us just being friends, and I can only hope the new caring side he has begun to show to his people will linger long after I am gone. Those thoughts lifted my heart, realising I made a difference for the Omaticaya, in helping their future leader.

"You been most stubborn, Dumb Twig student I ever have to train, but you learned. You learned more than I taught, you learn to See Eywa, and See how we live. You save Ca'lil with strong instincts, you tame White Foot. You earn right to be part of Omaticaya." I heard Tsu'tey say, making me turn to look at him, seeing him hold out the object he had been twirling in his hand. It's a simple bone knife, with a rather unique touch. The braided thin leather had light touches of dye to the hilt and the upper end of the leather and greens and yellows, like those of the flag of my people. The bone itself is perfectly sharpened, even seems a lighter color than normal for a bone knife.

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