15. Following The Trail

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I carefully peeked at Jake from the safety of the vine tree, careful to not move. I couldn't see Grace Augustine or Norm from where I currently am, and I can just barely see Jake through the thick vegetation around me. I knew Norm and Grace are somewhere, hidden among the tree watching what is happening. I wished I understood the device around my neck, Grace explained some overly detailed method of turning it to short band for emergencies only. But, me being me and technology being something alien to me, I didn't understand a single word Grace augustine said, so I can't warn them of the predator approaching without shouting it and just making the situation worse.

The alien dandelion seed on my shoulder did not move an inch, continuing to sit on my shoulder, it's delicate little fibers tickling my neck gently, the peaceful and tranquil feeling from the seed made me feel a little less worried and afraid for the group, but only a little as I nervously watched, hoping Jake sees the predator before the predator attacks him. Though I get the feeling the predators main target isn't Jake, but rather the Titanothere in front of him...

And only one land predator hunts Titanothere. And I really, really hope for Jake's sake that this predator is not the one I am thinking of. I gritted my teeth in fear that I am right as I watched the Hammerhead Titanothere cry out in fear, quickly turning and running away, clearly he is not running from Jake as he quickly, fearfully ran for his herd that has gathered after hearing his roars, the Alpha Titanothere standing at the head of the herd, looking ready to defend... and it's not defending them from Jake. I gritted my teeth as that all but sold it on what deadly predator we are about to have to deal with.

"That's right, get your punk ass back to mommy. Yeah, yeah you got nothin', keep runnin'. Yeah, why don't you bring back some of your friends, huh?" Jake continued to taunt the Titanothere running back to it's herd. I seriously wanted to smack some sense into the ex-Marine's skull, if he actually paid attention, he would see that is not in response to him.

I froze, a deeply seated fear filling me as I heard the sound of strange breathing, low and reminding me of the deadly purr sound of a Bobcat, only far, far louder, and more terrifying. I saw Jake turn to look behind him as his grin dropped. I have no idea what he is seeing right now... but I am pretty sure I know what creature it is...

A powerful, hissing roar reminding me of the recorded sounds of Cougar's of North America filled the air, loud and deadly.... I forced myself not to jump as something graceful, lithe and massive jumped down from the massive fallen tree my vine tree is next to, landing without making a single sound. The powerful panther like creature raised frills off of the sides of it's head, the tips of the frills a vibrant red. It's body is heavily armored down it's back in thick plates of black like strange scales, a wide flat tail, like that of the extinct Beaver supported it's movements, and powerfully strong and capable of bashing prey in the head and knocking them out. Two strong muscled back legs and a well muscled body built for speed and strength, along with power filled leaps, two front sets of paws with the ability to grip and hold as it's sharp long claws dig into it's prey. Large sharp teeth for ripping into skin as tough as a Titanothere's skin. The apex land predator of Pandora, a creature said to be the equivalent size to an elephant on Earth.

I have a very, very bad feeling about this as I stared at the Thanator hissing in annoyance at the Titanothere herd, annoyed at not having caught it's prey, the Titanothere that threatened Jake, clearly, now that the Titanothere is among his herd, he is but a young Titanothere, the perfect type of prey for the Thanator. The Alpha of the Titanothere herd roared, so loud my ears rang, and stomped it's front feet, practically shaking the earth under our feet as the Alpha raised his brightly colored yellow and blue frills, showing he is bigger and stronger than the other Titanothere's in his herd and will charge down the Thanator.

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