Chapter 5

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With Nurse Sylvia's words replaying in my mind, I leave the clinic bewildered.
Because you didn't see the way he looked at you.
She must be mistaken because I did see the way he looked at me, he looked at me like I was an inconvenience, a poor girl that his father hired as a kitchen maid but not actually a kitchen maid.
Why did Mr Laywood bring me here if I'm not to work in the kitchen, why not tell me I will be working in the clinic instead? Nothing seems to make sense and Xavier's cold eyes make me feel even worse.

"Miss Anderson." I look up at the mention of my name and see Mr Jenkins walking towards me.
"You finished earlier than I expected, but I'm here to escort you back to the house." He smiles.

"Oh, thank you, Mr Jenkins, that's very kind of you." I say smiling back to him.
He moves his hand to motion that I should walk in front and I comply, we walk in comfortable silence till we get to the house. He of course opens the large wooden doors for me, being a gentleman.
"Thank you." I say, and make my way up the cherry wood stairs, looking forward to the comfort of my new room.

The hours pass slowly as I unpack my suitcase, which doesn't take long due to the fact I barely have any possessions. I have my lunch in my room brought in by a maid and sit in silence eating it. The only noise is the crackles from the fire.

After lunch I'm so bored I debate a small nap before supper, and just as I lay on the bed and soft knock startles me as Mrs Bun enters with boxes stacked so high I can barely see her.

"Nova, these came for you." She states excitedly placing the boxes on the bed, by my feet.

"What are they?" I ask as my curiosity makes me want to open them and look inside.

"Well my sweet girl, take a look!"

I can see Trudy is thrilled but I'm not sure why, but I do as she says and gingerly takes the lid of one of the boxes.

I gasp, as I see a beautiful ruby colour silk material, sitting surrounded by tissue paper. Pulling it out I realise its a dress.

"Isn't it wonderful?" Trudy claps, and I grin.

"It's breathtaking." I say moving the dress around and noticing the lace detail on the bodice.

"But why do I have it?" I ask feeling confused, this dress must cost more than what Mr Laywood paid my father, and fifty pounds is an extremely large amount of money. I can't bare to think about what this beautiful gown cost.

Trudy shakes her head and chuckles.

"Because it's yours! And the others." She says while moving the box and pulling the lid of another, this time she holds up a teal dress with pearls sewn down the front.

These cant he mine, why would Mr Laywood buy me these dresses?

"Trudy, why did Mr Laywood buy me these dresses, it doesn't make sense. I was brought here as a kitchen maid and now I'm going to work in the clinic, and I have this wonderful room and now these beautiful dresses! This doesn't make sense!" I can't help the tears fall down my face at my outburst, but no one is explaining to me what is going on. I feel that I'm in the middle of a secret and it's making me so very anxious.

I look to Trudy with tears in my eyes, willing her to tell me what is going on. But she looks down and moves her foot slightly, uncomfortable with my tears.

"Nova, I know this is very confusing for you but don't despair, Just enjoy the extravagance and once Mr Laywood is back he will explain why your here, I'm not at liberty to say anything else on the matter, and I can only apologise. But somethings happen for a reason, and it's down to you my sweet girl to enjoy them regardless."

Her answer wasn't what I wanted to hear, but I nod not wanting to seem rude. I'm extremely grateful for everything since I've been here, I just wish I knew why I've been given all these wonderful things.
I wipe my tears and look to the rest of the dresses. I guess if I'm not going to get any answers I best just enjoy what I've been given.

"Shall we try these dresses on? And when I say we I mean you." Trudy prods her stomach and laughs at her own joke.

Her comment was so unexpected that I laugh with her, instantly starting to cheer up as she holds out another dress, this time its navy blue like the waistcoat Xavier was wearing today.


"Is there something wrong with the food?" Xavier's voice breaks my thoughts.
"You seemed to be enjoying it a lot more yesterday." He teases.

I realise I've stared off into space and haven't touched my supper yet.
I pick up a piece of chicken with my fork and pop it into my mouth as I chew.
Xavier laughs beside me. I can trace the sarcasm behind it, which irritates me.

"There is nothing wrong with the food, the food is always delicious and I'm very lucky to be here and eat this wonderful food." I say getting annoyed at his teasing.

"Indeed Nova, you are very lucky to be here. None of my father's employees have the same privileges as you have." He snaps with acid on his tongue.

"Well, I'm very grateful." I say back trying not to get angry.

"I would be, you are fortunate my father is a kind and honest man because not many people would show you the generosity he has. Especially as you came from nothing, with no skills to offer a household. I still don't know why my father brought you here to begin with, especially as your not a kitchen maid."
I hate him!
Standing up I shoot an angry glare in his direction.

"I have you know Dr Laywood! Your father took it upon himself to hire me and bring me here. He turned up on my father's front door and bought me for fifty pounds for heaven sake! I had never laid eyes on your father before then and I certainly have no idea what I'm doing here or why I'm here! So don't have to be so harsh on me all the time, I'm not a beggar asking for scraps! And yes, I may not be good at much but then I was never given an opportunity for education like you have!" My voice breaks as I finish my verbal assault.

Xavier is quiet while still looking at me. I can see he's thinking. He's probably thinking how quickly can he get this mad woman out of his house before she yells anymore.

"Interesting." He says slowly taking another bite of his meal.

"What is interesting?" I snap back my patience wearing thin.

"I thought you would have waited at least a few more days, out of politeness before you shouted at me."

He's infuriating! Smug... Ugh!

"Well, maybe you're underestimating the power you have." I say with a clipped tone.

"And what power may that be?" He bites, looking to me with his dark eyes.

"The power to be a complete and utter arsehole." I shoot back not missing a beat.
But as the words leave my mouth I immediately regret them.

But he chuckles in amusement and claps his hands.

"Well, Nova you certainly know how to amuse me." He replies still laughing.

"It was not meant for amusement." I huff, having enough of him laughing at my expense.
"You really are one of the most irritating people I've ever met!" I say and turn to walk out of the room.

I can hear him still laughing, but his words catch me off guard.

"I would have paid at least sixty pounds, just for that." He muses clearly entertained by our disagreement.

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