Chapter 41

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"Xavier and Nova please come over." Mr Laywood waves his hand for us to move. I look to Xavier who then turns his dark eyes to me.
Confusion and unease clouds his eyes, just how mine would appear if I could see them.

I watch him start to move, but instead of going towards his father he walks towards me, his eyes never leaving mine. It feels like he's taking hours to cross the room but in reality it takes him mere seconds before he's in front of me holding out his hand.
I don't want to take it, but with everyone's eyes on me and Mr Laywoods expression of sheer happiness, makes me oblige.

I feel like I've walked into an alternate universe, where things are all backwards and inside out. I can still hear Mr Laywood say my name, like a reel of film going around and around showing the same clip, but nothing else.

Miss Nova Anderson..
Miss Nova Anderson..

Xavier holds his hand in mine and he pulls me slowly towards Mr Laywood.

Miss Nova Anderson, Miss Nova Anderson....

He positions me next to him, and looks to his father who holds up his glass and asks everyone to toast our new engagement.

But the thing is, we aren't engaged. Are we?
Did I knock my head and forget that Xavier proposed? Maybe Lady Cordelia was just a figment of my imagination?
Or maybe I'm asleep and this is just some weird dream.
Yes that must be it.
I close my eyes willing myself to wake up.
But clinking of glasses make me open them again as I look to these people raising their glasses and toasting us.

I swallow feeling queasy and lightheaded.

I'm not dreaming, this is real. I'm engaged to Xavier as of this moment and not Cordelia.

I look to where Cordelia once was and she hasn't returned. I'm not surprised she must be mortified. Like how I'm feeling.

Just breathe Nova.

I'm sure there's a good excuse to use my name instead of Cordelia's.
I will play along untill Mr Laywood explains what is happening. I owe him that much at least.
I'm not from a wealthy family, I have nothing to offer Mr Laywood in terms of money for me marrying Xavier.
People of their social standing don't just marry people like me.

Within minutes or maybe seconds Mr Laywoods voice asks the party to carry on their celebrations and he will be back.
Most of the crowd start to disperse as the music starts up again. But I see Trudy and Angeles still frozen in shock. Angeles looks like she's going to faint and Trudy looks angry likes she's going to kill someone. Which is equally scary and concerning all mixed together. I see her gaze move to Mr Laywood as he asks us to join him upstairs for a moment.
I blink and follow, too shocked and too numb to think.

Xavier takes my hand in his as he weaves us around the people. Many tapping him on the back in congratulations. But I hear whispers of ladies stating how confused they are and they were sure he was engaged to another lady.
Poor orphan girl leaves a few of the women's lips and I swallow not wanting to hear anymore.

This is a mistake, can't they see? This will be all cleared up soon enough. There must be a good reason for all of this. I hope so at least.

I look to Xavier who has composed himself and is faking smiles at the well wishers. But me on the otherhand has a face like someone has told me that the Estate has burned down with everyone inside.

Soon Xavier pulls me up the cherry wood stairs, my legs don't seem to work properly, and his strong hand is the only thing keeping me from not falling. We enter a room I've never been in before. Books take up all the walls and a large mahogany desk is placed to the back near the window. Two seats are placed in front of the desk, like they were placed for this exact reason. Mr Laywood and takes a seat, nodding for us to do the same.

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