Chapter 56

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Day 6- Let me treat you how you deserve.

"What is this room for?" I ask, looking all around. Xavier, pulled me into the hallway from our new bedroom and opened a door next to it. The room is painted white and it's entirely bare, only a table with a woodern box on and a fireplace - minus the fire. The sun has started to rise now and a soft glow illuminates the large airy room.

But Xavier doesn't answer my question as he we walks over and crouches beside the fireplace, striking a match and lighting the fire. I look around and it seems the echo with every step I take. I have the urge to whistle or call out -  to hear the sound come back to me, but I don't. It almost seems childish to think about, when a man ten years older is beside me.

I catch Xavier staring at me with a crooked smile, as he motions for me to come to him.
Smiling, I move towards him but as I reach him, he turns me around so that my back is on his front and his arms wrap around my waist, in a possessive way. I feel his hard body holding mine and I feel protected and safe. That's what Xavier has always made me feel, and I need it now more than ever. His warm breath and deep voice startles me slightly, by whispering in my ear. Sending shivers up my spine. I doubt, he has any idea of the effect his hands and his voice are doing to me.

"I was hoping this room would be a nursery for when we decide to have children. Obviously, if that's what you want as well..."
I turn to look up at him, but he's lost in thought.
"See we could put the cot here-"
He points to the far side of the room, "-So it's not near the window or the fire, and he could have a rocking horse, and a toy box here-" He points to the other side.

"He? how would you know we would have a boy?" I ask, with a smile, picturing a small brown haired boy running in and going over to a wooden rocking horse laughing in excitement.

But he chuckles.

"He, she, I wouldn't care as long as they are healthy. There have only been boys in my family for generations, so I guess I've always pictured having a boy." His voice lingers, "We could put a bookcase, in this alcove part," Xavier turns me around and points, "So we could read them to sleep every night, and a chair could go here, next to the fire, for when you nurse so you both don't get cold."

"You seem to have it all worked out don't you?" I say with a tease.

But he clears his throat slightly and swallows, "Have I scared you?" He asks nervously.

"Why would this scare me? I want to have your children one day, I want nothing more than to have a big family."

My answer must of pleased him and he closes his eyes with a smile.

"So what do you think?"

"I think..." I speculate about my answer while looking around the room, seeing everything he's shown me that he wants. Picturing him holding our newborn baby in his strong arms. "I think, you are.. the most amazing man I have ever met."

"You haven't seen anything yet, my love." He grins, guiding me towards the table with a big brown box on top.

But before I can ask, he's opened the box as a brass horn-shaped thing catches my eye, it's sitting on a smaller brown box with a black disc on the surface, as a needle is pressing lightly onto the disc.

"It's called a Gramophone," Xavier states before I can ask. "Albert my youngest brother, sent it to us from America last week. They are all the craze over there and he sent it as a wedding gift. You will of course meet him at the wedding." His voice holds warmth at the mention of his younger brother whom I'm yet to meet. I just hope he's nicer than Henry.

"That's very kind of him, but what does it do?" I eye it dubiously.

"This is what a Gramophone does, my love." And with a press of a button, sweet music fills my ears. Violins and a piano mixes into one as it drifts out of the brass horn and into the empty echoing room. Swimming around it like the smoke of a chimney.

My face is alight with surprise and joy listening intensely to the music. I watch as the black disc goes around with a needle touching it. I have never seen anything like it or heard music come out of anything other than people playing instruments.

"Are you a secret magician?" I ask biting my lip as the melody clouds my head, "Because I've never seen music come out of a box before."

Xavier chuckles, "No not a magician, but I've been told I have magic hands." He winks, "And I can't wait to show you many things Miss Anderson-"

I swallow at what he's referring too, and a blush warms my cheeks.

"-But first, I would like to dance with you." As he bends to the waist with one arm behind his back.
I toy a smile and swallow. Something about the gesture makes my throat too tight for words. But I ignore it and hold out my hand, as he brings me flush to his body making me gasp.

Placing one hand on my lower back and the other brings my arm out holding it there in his firm grip, Xavier moves me around the room slowly, his dancing skills are practised and dominant as he takes the lead, swiftly carrying me alongside. It reminds me of our first kiss, his strong body guides mine knowing exactly what he's doing and how to do it, and both making my knees weak with passion. His eyes gazing into mine like I'm the most beautiful thing he's ever laid eyes on.
After a while, he pulls our hand down and positions my arm to his lower back and his to mine. He holds me into his chest, as his chin bends to the top of my head. If anyone saw us from behind I know they wouldn't see me as Xavier's broad tall frame, swallows me whole.

"Now Miss Anderson. If I were just a man, and you were just a woman, I would have courted you in a correct and respectful manner. We would have gone on dates with a chaperone, because it wouldn't have been proper to be left alone with you, although I would have sneaked a kiss when no one was watching, and lusted over those plump full lips of yours. I can't promise I wouldn't have said dirty things into your ear just to see the pretty flush of your cheeks. But I would have been a gentleman towards you, just as you deserve."

But his voice stops talking as he picks me up with a whoosh and I giggle holding my hand over my mouth his sudden movement caught me off guard. He sits me onto the window ledge and his and my head are at the same height as his nose lightly touches mine. My breathing increases as I lick my lips waiting for the kiss I can see in his eyes, he wants to give me.
But his head is no longer in my eye line and he drops to one knee on the floor and the other bent.

Oh my goodness!! He's..he's-

"Now after the numerous dates we would have enjoyed together, we would have danced the night away, I would have pulled you aside and taken you outside so we could be alone. You, of course, would have complained about getting pneumonia and I would have laughed at your attempt to play hard to get. Because I knew from that moment we kissed I was never going to let you go, whether you knew the hold you had over me or not, but from that moment I knew I had found what I have been searching for. I had found the other half of my soul, some would say the better part. I would have got down on one knee like I have now, and said these exact words-"

I listen intently with tears streaming down my face. I can't believe he's doing this, my heart feels like it's going to erupt any moment.

"-Miss Nova Anderson, you have captured my heart from the moment I saw you. I would be a fool to ever let you go, so please could you do me the honour of being my wife. Will you marry me?"

I watch as he pulls a box out of his waistcoat pocket and opens to reveal a ring with rubies and diamonds like a cluster together. His eyes hold so much sincerity but also nervousness. He has nothing to be nervous about, this man has my heart and I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life being his wife. With a choked smile I say the words he's waiting to hear.

"Oh, you silly old fool! Of course, I will marry you!
Yes, yes, yes a thousand yeses!"

He grins a sexy smile and stands up positioning himself between my legs.

"Say it again, say your mine." His voice deep with desire, as he takes my left hand in his.

"Xavier I'm yours, I will always be-"
But he cuts me off kissing me with passion and love, I'm aware of the ring he places onto my finger, but it soon gets forgotten as his kisses turn into heat, which lights my skin from within. A deep groan from Xavier sends jolts to my core, as he moves his kisses to my neck. With heavy-lidded eyes, I clasp his head and dream about having this for the rest of my life.

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