Chapter 59

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Day 7- I do, do you?

Music for the Chapter- I'll be- By Edwin McCain.

-The strands in your eyes that color them wonderful
Stop me and steal my breath.-Edwin McCain.

Stepping out the carriage I see Robert waiting for me, the journey was short and my nerves made the conversation with Oscar near non-existent. I don't know why I'm so nervous, but I am. It all feels so final. So set in stone. I am to marry this man and be his wife for the rest of my life.

Looking up to my, soon-to-be father in law I take his outstretched arm as he guides us up the stone steps towards the church doors.

"Are you ready my dear?" He asks, with a smile.

Am I?

Just breathe Nova.

It's Xavier, your marrying Xavier. You will be fine. Just breathe.

My throat feels tight and my stomach feels queasy, and all I can manage is a nod.

"Best put the veil over, oh and here is your bouquet." Robert lightly pulls the veil over my head and bends to pick up my bouquet of flowers.
Pink and white roses are placed into my hand with ribbon keeping them together. I can already smell the sweet aroma and it's making me even more nauseous.

"Just a moment!" I hear a woman's voice as Trudy walks into view.
She's wearing a dark green dress that sets off her red curls wonderfully.

"Ah Trudy, we don't have much time, my dear. Come along Nova." Robert announces as he gives Trudy a strange look as he takes me towards the door.
I turn back to see Trudy watching us with a sad smile.

She really must not want me to marry Xavier, but I can't let her sway my head again. I've made my decision.

Robert taps on the wooden door as it opens to let us in. Taking a deep breath Robert guides me through, just as a choir of children start to sing. I look to where their voices come from and spot them all in a line and little Abby in her wheelchair in the middle.
Xavier must have organised for the children at the orphanage to sing at our wedding. The thought warms my heart as I turn to look straight ahead and see Xavier with his back to me at the altar. He's wearing a black suit and standing beside him is a curly-haired man just a little shorter than Xavier. This must be Albert.
Rows upon rows of seats filled with faces I do not recognise, till I spot Angeles, then Trudy sitting down next to her. Angeles is grinning, and Trudy is wiping a tear from her eye.

The walk seems like I'm on a tightrope, one careless move and I will fall. I turn my attention back to Xavier as he turns around and meets my eyes, the look of emotion that radiates out like a beacon of light, makes my throat tight. I see his eyes glisten not moving his sight from mine as each step I take I'm being drawn into his warmth. My thumping heart starts to settle as I'm so close I can smell his herbal scent. Everything will be okay now. This magnetic man will soon be mine. I take a shaky breath as we stop.

"You look beautiful." He whispers, taking my hand as his father places it into his. His large warm hand covering mine as he brings me back, my nerves vanish as his warmth and love seeps through into my skin. Always holding me when I need him the most.

The vicar starts to speak to us and the guests, but I never stop looking into Xaviers eyes, if I turn to face the guests I'm sure I will have an anxiety attack. I've never been one for centre of attention. I won't look back when this man is making me look forward, forward to the future. He squeezes my hand, and I look at all of him, the dark suit he's wearing and the grey waistcoat with his pocket watch on show. His messy dark hair styled so it flicks forward. Back up to his chocolate brown eyes and dark eyelashes framing them. His lips move while he's speaking and saying his vows, to his straight teeth and tongue that lightly licks his lip in concentration.
He slips on a plain gold band next to my engagement ring, as I do the same for him.

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