Chapter 16

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"Please don't cry, I can't stand it." Mr Laywoods voice breaks me out of my thoughts.
"I'm truly sorry Nova, I never wanted to make you feel betrayed." He says as he looks to me with sorrow in his eyes.

"I need to get out of here." I gasp feeling heat travel up my neck. A warmth spreads on my arm. I start to feel panicky and light-headed.

These people lied to me, they have kept things purposely from me. For what gain?

I need to leave, I can write Trudy a letter and explain that I had to go. But that I want to speak to her about everything, Hoping she will be honest with me.

I start to sway, and I can feel sweat dripping down my neck. Everything looks blurry and I see two Xaviers staring back at me, with worry on their faces.

"Nova your bleeding!" Xavier states as he touches my arm where my bandage is.

"Am I?" Is all I manage before my vision goes black and strong arms catch me before I fall.


"She has a fever, she must have an infection somewhere. We need to bring her temperature down." Xavier demands.

"Angeles get Nova a bath, but make sure the water isn't hot. It needs to be lukewarm." I can feel Xavier touching my arm and removing the bandage. My arm is on fire as something cold is placed on it. The pain radiates down my arm.

"Here's your bag Xavier." I can hear Mr Laywoods voice.

"Open the bag and get out the scalpel and gauze." I hear Xavier say.
"Grab that cloth and start dabbing her head, and look away because what I'm about to do won't be pleasant." He instructs.
"Xavier, please don't let her die." Mr Laywood pleads
Die? Why would I die? Am I dying already?

I feel a pinch on my arm, and then wetness running down. I can feel Xavier pushing and kneading making the wetness run down my hand.
I hear Angeles voice.
"What is that?" I can hear the disgust in Angeles sweet voice.

"Pus." Is all Xavier says.

"But why is she just laying there why you do that? Surely that must be painful?" she asks, her voice small.

As she mentions pain, I can feel the burning pain sting my arm. It feels like it's on fire.
I scream but no one can hear me.

"The fever is making her go in and out of consciousness. Her body is trying to fight the infection by raising her core body temperature to help her immune system fight the infection." He says.
"I've just drained the infection out of her stab wound. Now I will clean it and hope I've got all the infection out." He states as his voice goes further and further away till only a whisper is heard.
Then nothing, but white noise.

I flutter my eyes open, I'm laying in cool water. I see Xavier has my wrist in his hand and his pocket watch in the other checking my pulse.
He looks to me and relief washes over him.

"Your awake" He states. Then lifts his hand up to touch my forehead.
"The fever has broken." He sighs in relief.

I smile at him feeling cold and exhausted. I wiggle my toes in the water and look down. I'm laying in a bathtub full of water and orange flower petals.

"What are these?" I say looking to the flower petals floating.

"Calendula, Pot Marigolds." He answers looking down at them.
"My Father insisted we put them in the bath. He said Trudy would have, if she was here. Something to do with healing." He states.
"They must have worked because your fever is gone and you've woken up." He smiles.

With that, a loud snore makes me jump. I realise someone is holding my head out of the water. I try to move to see who it is, but the person moves with a startle. They clutch my head trying to keep my head upright.
"Oh Miss your awake!" Angeles cheery voice says.
She stands up and looks down upon my face and smiles, one of her big grins.
"We've all been so worried about you!"
She let's go of my head as I sit up in the bath. My head is heavy but I feel better.

"What happened? I ask.

Xavier's voice makes me turn to face him.

"Your stab wound on your arm got infected. Some of the stitches had broken and infection got in. I was going to clean it again the other night, but got distracted."

I swallow thinking about our kiss.

Not meeting his eyes I turn to Angeles,
I realise her face is red and swollen from crying. My heart drops.

"I knew the bandage looked a funny colour this morning Miss. I should have insisted you got it seen to straight away." Her voice sad.

"Angeles it's not your fault, it's not anyone's fault, except Mr Travers." Looking up at Xavier. His face has gone hard and emotionless.

"I think I should get out the bathtub now," I exclaim.

"Oh wait, let me get you a towel," Angeles says as she runs in the direction of the door.

I move my body and hold onto the sides of the bathtub and try to use my arms to get out. But my injured arm burns in the process and I stop. Pain throbbing around my shoulder radiating down my arm.
Realising I need help I look to Xavier.

He pulls up his sleeves of his shirt and I can't help but look at his manly arms.
He then bends over me while putting one of his hands behind my back and another under my knees. Then lifts me out of the water with his strong arms. like I'm as light as a feather.

I realise my dress isn't on anymore and I'm left in my thin white cotton slip, that has gone completely transparent from the water. The material clinging to my body. He stands me up and my legs shake.
His eyes go dark and his Adam's apple bobbles in his throat, as he looks at me standing there. "You're Beautiful." He whispers his eyes looking up and down my body.
Then settling on my eyes. I can't help to notice the desire there, which makes me nervous. I look away quickly and down at my body. I'm dripping wet and you can see every curve of my body. My breasts shine through like a beacon of light, leaving nothing to the imagination.

"Oh my!" Angeles states as she rushes in the room, just as Xavier turns to give me privacy. She wraps a white and warm towel around me, and it feels like a hug.

Xavier excuses himself and promises to check on me later, still not looking at me. I nod wanting him to go. My cheeks redden in embarrassment, that he's seen my body like this.

Angeles starts to rub me down and stops, then looks to my face biting her lip.
"You do realise that Dr Laywood has essentially seen you naked, don't you?"

Yes, Angeles, I do.

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