Chapter 43

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Xavier shakes his head as he looks at me.

"If you leave me now, I'm not going to fight you. But if you stay, I promise I will do anything and everything to make you happy."
He walks over to me and takes my trembling hands, his hands are warm which is comforting to mine made of ice.

"The choice is yours, Nova."

I see his dark eyes shimmer with pain as he bites his lip unsure, waiting for an answer.

Do I stay and figure this out, or do I leave and tell Mr Laywood I can't marry Xavier.

But my heart knows what it wants regardless of my head.
I look to him and my heart beats rapidly, my mouth is so dry that I'm anxious I won't be able to speak, I take a deep shaky breath, as I say the words that will completely change my future.

"Xavier, I want you. I always have."

A deep groan escapes his lips as he moves to find mine.
He kisses me slowly, savouring every taste every touch, till his lips part and his tongue is dipping between my lips. His kisses flow from firm to soft making me want more because I can't get enough.
I can never get enough.
His hands are around my waist as he picks me up so that my legs wrap around his body and my arms instinctively wrap around his neck. With my short height, I fit perfectly onto his torso as he's holding me close with one hand, and the other moves to my cheek deepening the kiss. I can feel his legs moving as he walks towards the bed placing me cautiously onto the soft mattress with his hard body joining mine and never breaking the kiss.

My body heats like a volcano waiting in anticipation to erupt, as I groan into Xavier's mouth running my fingers through his messy brown hair. His lips travel from mine down my neck and towards my chest, savouring every inch and sucking gently onto my cleavage blowing lightly on the marks left behind. leaving fire and ice in his wake which shoots to my core dampening the sensitive spot between my thighs.
I need pressure, I need release.
I open my legs and push my hips into him feeling the hardness of his arousal, but his hands move down my body tugging at my dress as he gently pushes it up my legs and then my thighs lifting the dress as he goes. There is only the thinnest cotton between my slick core and him and I clench wanting him there.

I can feel his fingers slide under the cotton teasing me as his mouth moves from my chest and to my sensitive neck. I'm consumed full of lust and full of fire, his body taking up every inch of mine as his hardness is pushing into my wet core above the cotton slip. I pull at his waistband of his trousers wanting him, wanting him inside of me but he places a hand over mine to stop me.
"Not yet my love." He whispers in my ear.
"Please Xavier," I say breathlessly but his fingertip brushes against my sex I jerk in response and a whimper escapes my lips. This seems to please him as he touches me again and again, taunting me till I'm gasping for breath, his fingers expertly find the most sensitive spot on my body and I wither around in pleasure, but he moves the pressure lower till he's at my opening, and feel a small pinch as his fingertip is inside of me, exploring my channel softly. I arch my back with a moan as the sensation is something I've never felt before, it hurts a little even with his careful touch.
"Fuck, your so tight." He says through gritted teeth and his hardness twitches against me. But noticing my deep breathing and obvious discomfort, he pulls his finger out of me and find the sweet spot higher up as his fingers rub me to oblivion.

When the fireworks stop exploding through my body and I lay limp and sweaty underneath Xavier, he tenderly kisses my nose and I smile a satisfied grin.
I feel his bodyweight move to the side of my tired body and the lack of closeness makes me shiver. It's a cold night and I want his warmth back, so I turn to face him as his hand lightly pushes a lone curl that has escaped from my sweaty forehead and looks to me with a teasing smile on his face. Biting my lip to stop my self giggling still on my high from my release. I have to ask him something because I need him to say it.

"You love me." I say like a caress.

He draws a quick breath between his teeth and closes his eyes, clearly not expecting me to say what I just did. A few seconds go by and I start to feel nervous, what if he just said that to his father to get me into-

"I do."

His words break my thoughts completely, and his sincere eyes make me believe him.

"Huh,"  I say lost in thought again.

"Huh? What's Huh meant to mean?" His tone is serious as he moves his body to sit up.

I press my lips together and look to him, "Well, it wasn't exactly romantic the way you told me you loved me, with your father there, you could of at least told me in a more intimate setting or actually say the words to me instead of agreeing."
I stop speaking, not meaning to say as much as I said but I can't deny that hearing him say the words would make me feel better. I keep my eyes down not wanting to see his face, I feel silly admitting my feelings so openly, but I don't seem to have much of a filter when I'm near him, he seems to bring out the best but also the worst in me with insecurities gnawing away at my young fragile heart.

"Is this your backwards way of asking me to say that I love you right now?" He states in amusement.

My lips twitch a small smile.

"Maybe," I admit feeling incredibly silly, "But.."
His touch is back making me swallow my words as his fingers are on my arm rubbing gently where the scar is from Mr Travers cut and stab wound. Then he deliberately moves to my armpit in teasing motions before he tickles me with such furiousity that I scream as a burst of laughter makes my chest shake. I push at his hands but they are strong, too strong that his hand doesn't budge.
I wriggle and swat at his hand as they change course towards my neck.
Bubbles of laughter explode out of my mouth and I screech and scream trying once more to push his hand away but to no avail.
"Stop, stop." I giggle as my stomach aches from the laughter. As soon as the words leave my mouth he pulls his hands off mine as he bends his head kissing me softly on the lips.

"Nova I love you, I'm in love with you. You are the only woman who I've ever felt equally infatuated and frustrated with, your strength at knowing your own mind is what made me see you differently. You care so deeply for what is wrong and right and your compassion for others is outstanding, I have never met someone like you someone that would push me away like you have and then stabs someone in the leg just to save my life without thinking of the consequences. You have a tremendous heart and someday I hope I can fill it with us."
He places his hand over my wildly beating heart.
"I just hope I can show you that your worthy of being loved."

My lips make an O shape as I'm speechless.
He clears his throat rather pleased at my response.

"Was that what you had in mind, or did I say too much?" He bites his teasing lip.

But before I can get my thoughts together from his declaration, I hear Isaacs voice outside then a firm knock on the door.
I look to Xavier and know it must be Angeles worried about me and sending Isaac in here to see if I'm with Xavier.
Quickly kissing Xavier lips I happily bounce off the bed as a deep chuckle radiates in the room, I need to tell Angeles that I'm fine, more than fine I'm amazing.
I'm so very happy.

But opening the door I see Isaac and another woman, a woman wearing a deep purple dress similar to my lilac dress. She's obviously come from the ball, she looks to be closer to forty as slight wrinkles crease around her light blue eyes, and her face hasn't the youthful glow anymore.
I can feel my face change from happy to confused in a matter of seconds as Isaac starts to speak.

"I'm sorry Miss Nova, but Ms Carron wanted to speak to Xavier, I explained that it probably wasn't a good time but she was insistent." He nods to the lady beside him.
Xavier is by my shoulder before I can even look at Ms Carron properly, her chestnut hair is pinned back and a purple feather has been placed at the top of her head. Her blue eyes remind me much like Trudys, but her face doesn't seem as comforting.

"Ahh, Xavier mon chéri! You left ziss earlier by accident no?"
A shinny metal item is dangling from her hand and I realise it's his pocket watch.
Why does she have it?
I turn to Xavier and his face is frozen, he looks guilty and a shiver runs up my back as a horrible feeling washes over me.

"I zee you at breakfast... Yes?" As she winks, her French accent so strong and very seductive. She smiles a kind smile at my dazed face, then hands over the pocket watch to Xavier who doesn't say a word. I can feel guilt dripping off him in waves as my senses know he has slept with the woman.
One look into his dark eyes confirms it.
He had sex with this woman this very evening.

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