Chapter 35

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Angeles rushes into my room and I quickly shut the door.

"Oh My God!" She exclaims in horror.
"He heard what I said didn't he? Of course he did, because me being me has to run my mouth off not noticing who's around! Oh Nova I can't believe he heard me." She whines covering her face in embarrassment.

"I won't be able to look him in the eye ever again." She falls onto the bed so dramatically I can't help but laugh.

"Angeles it's okay, honestly. I'm sure he's heard alot worse and seen alot worse." I say trying to comfort her, but she groans into the bedcovers.

"I know, its just embarrassing is all." She says and lifts her head. Bits of her blonde hair have fallen out of her bun. She looks so innocent so childlike.

"I'm sure he won't mention it too you." I say trying to make her feel better.

"Oh he will, he won't let me live it down. He always teases me. Just the other night he..." But she stops suddenly and clasps her hand over her mouth.

"The other night?" I say feeling like a protective mother.

She sighs.

"It's not what you think." She says and sits up on the bed.
"He knows I can't read or write so he's been teaching me in the evenings." She says looking to me with a smile.
"I can now write my name." She smiles proudly.

"Oh Angeles that's wonderful! I'm so proud of you!" I say coming to sit next to her on the bed.
"But why didn't you tell me?" I look at her and see embarrassment cloud her face.

"I don't know really, I just never found the right time to tell you." She states not meeting my eyes.
I can feel she isn't telling me something.

"Angeles, is there something else you want to tell me?" I ask hoping that Isaac has been a gentleman.

She plays with the hem of her dress for a while and then looks up to meet my eyes.
"Well he kissed me." And she blushes a deep red.

"Kissed you? But how old is he?" I ask feeling concerned.

I've never paid much attention to Isaac so I can't really guess at his age. But I thought he was in his early twenties.

Angeles clears her throat. "He's seventeen and I will be sixteen in two months time." Her face lights up again and I can see she's thinking about him. Her crush has definitely developed into deeper feelings since the whole inside out dress incident.

"Well as long as your careful, and don't do anything to ruin your reputation." I say trying to be responsible.

"What like wake up with him in my bed?" She teases looking to me.

"Very funny." I say sticking out my tongue to her.

"Well enough about me, let's get you ready for supper. I think Mr Forget Me Not will be eager to see you." She winks.

How did she know the flowers were from Xavier?

Clearly hearing my thoughts she replies.

"I'm clumsy, not deaf, dumb and blind." She says with a giggle.

We decide after supper to go visit Anne and baby Matthew. I can tell Angeles is bubbling in excitement in hope of holding the bundle of joy.
But as we get to the cottage I see Xavier walk in ahead of us.
My stomach does a flip at the sight of him. So tall, so manly, so handsome.

We follow him through the door and pass empty beds lined up along the walls, then to a side room I know is allocated for Anne and Matthew.

We hear Xavier greet Anne warmly and asks how she's feeling this evening.
We hear her sit up in bed as the mattress creaks.
"I'm fine, abit sore and tired." She states sadly.

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