Chapter 37

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After Angeles spending more time than normal on my appearance for supper, I can tell she's nervous.
Nervous about something I'm too worried to ask her about.
My stomach is in knots, something to do with meeting Xavier's brother Henry and his friend Lady Cordelia Wandsworth, has me all jittery. I can see Xavier's eyes everytime I blink. The sorrow he had in them when he looked to me, but why?
Then making me more tense is the fact Mr Laywood caught us in a moment of passion.

"Right your ready." Angeles snaps me out of my thoughts.

I thank her and start to make my way downstairs. As I reach the last few steps of the cherry wood staircase my foot slips a little and I stumble, but a strong hand keeps me from falling.

"Oh be careful Miss." Isaac's hand on my arm to steady me.
"Seems like Angeles clumsiness has rubbed of on you." He grins showing his perfectly straight teeth.
I must have been so lost in thoughts that I didn't see him.

I smile up at him as a thank you, and smoothe out my dress. When I feel like I'm presentable enough I make my way towards the dining room, one shaking leg at a time.

When I get there I can see the large table decorated with Holly and candles. Mr Laywood is seated at the top of the table next to Xavier, who is sitting beside a strikingly beautiful girl with dark almost black hair, wearing a deep red dress with a matching necklace, the gem around her neck sparkles in the candle light. I see an empty seat opposite Xaiver and to the side of it is a man with the same colour hair as Xavier, but his back is turned so I can't see his face.
I watch as the guests engage in chatter followed by a Mr Laywood. Xavier sits very quiet, looking to a candle in front of him, untill his eyes look up and meet mine. He pulls back his chair and stands, Mr Laywood follows and a man who I guess is Xaviers brother joins them. The lady stays seated as she looks me up and down and frowns.
Feeling embarrassed I make my way to the empty seat which I think has been allocated for me.
Before I can sit, Xavier is infront of me as he gently pulls my chair out and nods for me to sit, which I do feeling very confused. They have never greeted me this way before, and it all feels very proper and very unlike the laid back nature I've come to know of the Laywoods.

"Good evening Nova." Mr Laywood speaks once Xavier has taken his seat. I can tell his voice is careful compared to his warm greetings he is known for.

"Let me introduce you to my middle son Henry Laywood." I turn in my seat to see a man slightly younger than Xavier but has the same eyes as him. Although his face and mouth are very different.
He nods in greeting. His demeanour seeming slightly arrogant.
"And Lady Cordelia Wandsworth, from the Wandsworth Estate in Cornwall. I look to this beautiful lady sitting next to Xavier, her dark hair makes her blue eyes more prominent and they sparkle with a mischievous glint.
"She is.." But Mr Laywoods voice stutters slightly, I see Cordelia move in her seat and before Mr Laywood can continue, she places her hand over Xaviers and says the words that brands me like a hot knife.

"I'm his Fiancé."
Her voice is like a sing song in my mind.
I'm his Fiancé
I'm his Fiancé

My heart stops beating in my chest and I start to feel a panic rise up in my throat. I look to Xavier gritting his teeth and looking down to his empty plate. He doesn't want to look at me.
After a few seconds that feel like hours of the word 'Fiancé' going through my mind I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out.
Luckily before I can make a fool out of myself even more, I hear Mr Laywoods voice.
"And This is Miss Nova Anderson." He finishes his introductions.

Henry turns in his seat next to me.
"Pleasure to make your acquaintance Miss Anderson, father has told me alot about you." He states with a slight smile to his lips.

"Thank you." I numbly say wanting to sound polite, but my world is crashing down inside of me. I blink the tears away trying to compose myself. I can't break down in front of these people.

"I can only imagine what an experience you've had so far, being brought up by your drunken father and then ending up here in all this luxury! I bet you are thrilled that my father finally found you." He says with a deep sense of sarcasm obvious to his voice.

"Enough Henry. "Xavier's loud voice makes me jump.
"Didn't our father teach you any manners?" He states sounding bored while looking at Henry like he's something he's walked in.

"Of course! I do apologise, Miss Anderson. I didn't mean to offend you. I forget that women have a more sensitive disposition. Please except my apology, no ill wishes were meant I can assure you." He says not looking me in the eye and turning to his father.

"Father, were you aware there is a magic show on in town tomorrow evening. I know Cordelia would love to attend." He looks towards Xavier, "Maybe we can all attend and you can get to know your Fiancé." A smile playing on his lips.

"Oh can we Xavier? I would love that! Maybe we can take a walk along the seafront beforehand and meet your Father and Henry at the theatre when the magic show starts." Her face lights up as she looks towards Xavier.
I know she left my name out as a warning.

Xavier doesn't answer her and looks to me, meeting my sad eyes. I see him swallow realising the pain I'm in.
He clears his throat.

"A magic show would be a good idea. Nova I believe you would enjoy it also and you can of course invite Angeles." He states still looking at me like he wants to hold me and kiss the pain away.
I go to answer but Cordelia interrupts me.

"Who is Angeles?" Her voice laced with jealously as she looks daggers in my direction.

I clear my thick throat and answer her.
"Angeles is my Maid, but I class her more like a friend." I say with more confidence than I feel. Technically she is a Ladies Maid but everyone knows I'm not a lady, myself included.

"Your maid? Oh I don't feel a trip to the magic show with staff would be appropriate. What would people think?" She laughs, as does Henry.

I have visions of throwing the red wine she has been sipping over her perfectly pretty yet smug face, then throwing the glass for good measure.

"Well we can decide tomorrow, but for now let's enjoy our supper." Mr Laywood states as Hannah and Angeles walk in with silver trays of strong smelling soup. But the moment Angeles places the soup in front of me my stomach heaves.
I can't possibly sit here with these people, being ridiculed. But mostly I can't sit here looking to Xavier sitting next to his Fiancé, and with Hannah being in the room I can sense she's probably thrilled at all this.
I look up and see Xavier has been staring at me. But my mind is made up.
I quickly stand up, as Mr Laywood, Xavier and Henry join me. Its such a strange custom that men of social standing have to do this. I'm glad that Mr Laywood and Xavier don't do this on a daily basis.

"Are you okay my dear?" Mr Laywood asks and I realise I haven't said a word to explain the reason I have stood up so suddenly.

"I'm sorry Mr Laywood, but I must excuse myself. I'm feeling abit.. abit.." I try to think of something. Faint say faint.

"Faint and think I should lay down."I state putting a hand to my head to make it more believable.

"Of course my dear, I will send Xavier up after he's finished his meal to check on you." He says with sadness and concern in his voice.
But the mention of Xavier brings tears to my eyes, and without looking at anything in particular I say, "Thank you but that won't be necessary, please enjoy your meal and I will see everyone in the morning."
As quick as my legs can carry me I'm out of the dining room and running up the cherry wood stairs. I ignore Isaac calling out asking if I'm okay. The tears fall thick and fast as my vision blurs. I get to my room and close the door, falling backwards so I'm leaning against it as I side to the floor in a sobbing heap.

I knew this day would come but I didn't expect it so soon.

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