Chapter 9

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After tossing and turning for the remainder of the night, I finally get up out of bed.
I look back at my beautiful bed. I've had more bad nights in this bed than I ever did on mouldy mattress back home. Yet I would forgo a good night's sleep any day than be back with my father.

Feeling restless, I take my pale pink silk dressing gown and wrap it around me.
I have no idea what the time is, but I think it's too early for breakfast even though I don't think I could manage a bite.
I think back to Xavier in my bed. Me straddling him and kissing him. Running my fingers through his hair. I can taste him on me and the feeling of his lips on mine.
But I cringe.
I kissed him.
Then I told him it was a mistake and he left.
I took advantage of your naivety and for that I'm sorry.
His words run through my head.
But he didn't if anything I took advantage of him. I needed comfort and in a moment of madness, I wanted to feel something. Anything except the fear I had in my chest.

How will I ever face him again? I threw myself at him and then apologised for my actions.
Was I sorry though?

I need to clear my head. I can see dawn approaching and birds singing.
Language of flowers.
I don't know if it's a coincidence that my mother had the book. But I'm glad Mr Laywood gave it to me.
I immediately know where I want to go.
I meet Mr Jenkins at the front door. I catch him yawning and rubbing his head before he spots me and fully composes himself.

"Miss Anderson, you're up early." He says with a smile.
"I'm afraid breakfast won't be ready for another hour or so." He states noticing my robe."But I will be happy to get Trudy to help you get ready for the day." He says kindly.

"Thank you, Mr Jenkins, but I wanted to get some fresh air and walk around the gardens before breakfast if that's okay?"

"Of course, Miss Anderson. I will happily show you where they are. Follow me." he says while opening one of the large wooden doors to the outside.

The air is brisk and I immediately wish I had a shawl with me to keep me warm.
Mr Jenkins takes me to the side of the house and to my surprise I see a little gate between a thick hedge of Holly Bush. He opens it and it squeaks.

"Here we are Miss Anderson, these are the gardens."

I was expecting a small section of flower beds, but in my delight, I see rows upon rows of flowers. All different shapes and colours light up my eyes. The smell is heavenly. I walk around the rows looking at the different colour flowers, till I spot a large space filled with roses. White roses first then pale pink to a deep pink and lastly rich red.
I think roses are my favourite flower.
Next, I see lavender and Rosemary shrubs.

"The gardens continue past the hedge Miss." I hear Mr Jenkins tell me.

I look to see another little gate and open it, this one doesn't squeak.
Mr Jenkins joins me and I spot a little wooden house at the back of the garden. There is a stream and trees in this section with white and orange Lillies growing nearby. I recognise them instantly.
I see Mr Jenkins take a seat on a bench between the flower beds and he smiles to me to carry on exploring.
I touch the petals and smell the sweet fragrance of the flowers. I find a pink rose has snapped off its branch and I pick it up putting it to my nose.
These gardens look so well cared for that it was strange to see a flower out of place.
Curiosity takes the better of me and I step in front of the wooden house. It must be where gardening equipment is stored. But I open it anyway wanting to explore everything in this beautiful place.
I open the door and I was right, shovels and rakes are laying against the wall.
I see another door and step in to open it.
Just as I touch the door nob I hear a groan.

"Oh god, oh god. You feel so good!" In a panting breath.
But before I can step back against the door, the door opens and I'm greeted with a man pushing into a woman against the wall. His trousers are down pooled around his ankles and her white creamy legs are wrapped around his waist, he has a hand on the wall to steady himself while his other hand is holding the woman's hip.
He's grinding into her and she's moaning even more.
I gasp loudly putting my hand over my mouth in horror, and they both stop moving and turn to face the noise.
Mabel and Xavier's faces meet mine.

I turn on my heel and run out of the little wooden house, I don't see Mr Jenkins sitting on the bench anymore and the gate is left open signalling he's left.
I feel someone pull my hand to stop me running and I turn to see a dishevelled Xavier in front of me. His eyes are pleading for me to stay. To explain himself.
I then see Mabel walkout and her eyes narrow to me.

Xavier's voice startles me "What are you doing here?" With accusation in his voice. He doesn't seem the least bit embarrassed, but I do. I'm mortified.

"I was looking at the gardens.." My voice tapers off.
I want to get out of here, away from them both. My heart feels heavy like something is crushing it.
But before I know what I'm saying, my voice rings in my ears.

"You kissed me back." I blurt.

He lets out a breath I didn't realise he was holding and looks down.

"WHAT?" I hear Mabel boom as she crosses the rest of the distance till she gets to us.

"You kissed her?!" Her voice shouts looking at Xavier and then to me. Her hatred is evident in her eyes.

"I did." He simply states finding my eyes.

"Why did you kiss her?" Mabel cries I can see her eyes welling up with tears. "I thought you hated her." She states looking to me like she wants to kill me.
He doesn't answer.

"You!" She screams as she turns her attention back on me. "First my job and now Xavier. Is there anything else you want to steal from me?" She moves like she wants to attack me but Xavier pulls her back.
"Answer me!" She screams. Sobs escaping her lips.
I'm stood frozen and tears start to fall down my cheeks.
"Don't you dare cry, you bitch!" She says aggressively.

"Nova I think you should go now." Xavier's words cut through me and I turn to leave.

I start to run, with my heart in my throat. Tears streaming down my face and shock still evident on my face. My eyes are so blurry and I go to wipe my face with my hand. But before I can, I trip on something large and land painfully on my hands and knees. Scraping the skin in the process.

With a cry I try to get myself up but losing my balance I fall to my side. I spot blood on the ground and turn to see where It came from. I then meet Mr Jenkins lifeless eyes staring up at me. His body is laying on its back and his head is tilted to one side. Blood is pooling out of his nose and mouth, and I can taste the metallic scent in the air.

He's dead.

And then I scream.

(Hey everyone! Thank you so much for reading my work! Please follow me for updates on how the story progresses! There is still so much of the story to go and I'm excited to carry on writing it! Thank you all so much for your support. Love to you all! Sam xx)

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